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The 51st Bbcc On Bzp




"Still Alive"


"Lux Aeterna"



I don't have time to enter, even though I'll be around my Bionicle this upcoming week. Too much homework to do and finals to prepare for. I also have never been inspired by a song to MOC something, to my recollection, at least explicitly.


Here's the other problem: Someone said they think there'll be a bunch of Iron Man MOCs. Well, does the song itself tell what this "iron man" looks like? Or if I choose "Still Alive," the song does not depict GLaDOS or even say the gun is a portal gun. Or if I choose "Lux Aeterna," which has no words, can't I still get inspired by feelings? Like when I listen to Nami Tamaki (there's another thing, what if I choose j-rock?), I can tell she's happy in her singing. I certainly have no idea what she's singing though.


I hope to see some actual inspiration from the wildest of places, and not an image from popular culture.


Edit: I'm also annoyed that entrants are not saying what song their MOC is inspired from.


Edit 2: I'm thinking for "Calamelldansen," you can MOC someone banging their head against a wall repeatedly.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: I am so smart that sometimes I don’t understand a single word I am saying.


Recommended Comments

"Lux Aeterna" might be difficult, given that Requiem for a Dream has some pretty strong subject matter that would get you banned if you tried to MoC it :P



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"Lux Aeterna" might be difficult, given that Requiem for a Dream has some pretty strong subject matter that would get you banned if you tried to MoC it :P

But Lux Aeterna itself does not inspire Requiem, now would it? Maybe if one has seen it, which I have not, it would stir up memories. But my point of this entry is that you can not go MOCing a movie based of a song that has played a major part in that movie, unless the song itself mentions things that would inspire the MOC.


As I said, I've seen a few comments on Iron Man. I've only heard the song once, and I think it involves him putting on a suit of armor, but does not inspire a red and gold hardsuit like the comic. The theme to Firefly mentions nothing of a space ship, so I think a MOC of Serenity would not be appropriate.


Maybe what would be appropriate would be something like Battle of the Heroes or Duel of the Fates by John Williams from Star Wars. Those have powerful fight scene movements, but could be applied to a fight other than Star Wars. Perhaps a good Toa vs a bad Toa or something. Or maybe Rahi; who says it would have to be humanoids? Great, now I'm inspired but have no time to build! That, or am I thinking of a battle scene because I know that is where it is from? I think if I was to enter I'd stray away from popular culture.


Gah, I feel like Aanchir with his personal guidelines for the Aqua Blade Blaster Contest. Like he hoped for a weapon that was practical in all definitions of the word, I hope for a MOC that is inspired from a song itself and not from anything it has been referenced in.


There was an art contest like this. One entry I remember was In the Jungle, a song used in The Lion King. The piece of art had a Muaka resting in the jungle, like the song, not the movie, depicts. I remember that if I had entered, I had hoped to show Makuta looking out from his Toa Seal protodermis cage from the Toa Metru, inspired from Relient K's Be My Escape, because he needed Roodaka to be his escape.



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