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The Perfect Desktop



(Reposted because this is turning into an interesting discussion. Won't you join?)

Over in Bunda's Blog, there is a discussion on desktop looks. (Granted, I may have enticed this discussion, but whatever.)


Now, I realize that some people like their icons. Like having little pictures for programs covering up the pig picture we call a wallpaper.

Some people like nothing to very little on the front screen, resulting in wallpaper visibility.


Everyone has their preferences. What every you like is what you should use. Nobody is wrong. But I think it's crazy to see a billion icons.


Here is Bunda's desktop. Not much to cover up in that specific wallpaper, but he does group his icons nicely. I'd access all those personal files through My Computer (or whatever Apple uses) with a simple Window's logo+E. It would prevent me from a Logo+D to get to the desktop.


Whoa! Look at Majikthise's desktop. This is where I toss everything into my start bar and just do a few mouse movements to get to the program, because I don't think I'd use those everyday. Maybe he does, though. What I do know is I don't need AIM as an icon on the desktop, a quick icon on the start bar, and another quick icon next to the time.


What about Arpy's desktop? He's got so much going on, if he put an icon there it'd get lost with everything else. Luckily he put everything in his taskbar. Granted, I could probably eliminate half of those links, but I guess he likes it.


Darth Vader's is nice. Finally, someone who understands that the dock (that think on the bottom) is meant for icons! Aside from the dock, which can disappear, there is nothing covering up such a nice image. My guess is that that "system tray" thing on the top can drop down too. Oh, such a beautiful desktop.


Alright, my turn. I turn my computer on and see this. (Well, without the music player or any programs open.) Those notes on each side are sweet, they keep me organized, and usually do not show up without Ctrl+Shift+V. They can go away with Win Logo+D, which would make it look like this. By now you're asking where do I get to my programs? DV has the dock, lots of other people have icons, and there are not many quick start buttons on the toolbar either. Correct. I love hotkeys. Ctrl+alt+Z will open Firefox. A Q will bring about Word Perfect. A is Paint. S is Window's Media Player. C is Microsoft Works Calender. I'm trying to make D open Pidgin. When all else fails I open the start bar. The top nine always stay there. Also is a link for my computer. I'm good to go. I was, for a while, tempted to have a dock like DV, but I realized I don't need it.

(Why was the section on my desktop longer than everyone elses? Because I know what is going through my mind, but I don't know about theirs so I assume they have everything under control.)


Hotkeys rule.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Chuck Norris expects the Spanish Inquisition.


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You should've seen my old computer's desktop, it had more files than programs.


When I got this one, I vowed to keep my desktop reserved for programs.


It helps. A lot.


Also, wallpaper sent.

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The main thing I learned from this entry is that 3 out of 5 cited desktops relate to Portal.

Did you really expect anything different?

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Mine owns yours.


55555.gif 55555 55555.gif


No comment.


I'm sure that if I had those cool black outline icons, I'd use them. (The only problem being if I had a black wallpaper.)


The main thing I learned from this entry is that 3 out of 5 cited desktops relate to Portal.

Did you really expect anything different?

4 out of 5. Arpy has Portal references.

Actually, upon clicking my other links, you'll see my whole computer is Portal themed. The Aperture logo for my personal box thing, and the user name for logging in is "Subject Name Here."

Yeah, you shouldn't have expected anything different, except maybe for some Bionicle walls.



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I want your taskbar. I was lucky I was able to change the color, but it's not noticeable. (At home on the XP mine was silver. I like to be different.) Can you hook me up?


As for the recycle bin, I was afraid I had to keep that on the desktop, but then I realized I could make it sticky in the start bar, so that went away too!



I don't know about Vista, but in XP you can right-click on the desktop and un-check "Show destop icons" and the recycle bin is magically gone!


Also, Windowsblinds lets you change the taskbar and whatnot. I have it on my computer, and it completely changes the look of, well, everything. Works with Vista and everything!

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I don't know about Vista, but in XP you can right-click on the desktop and un-check "Show destop icons" and the recycle bin is magically gone!


Also, Windowsblinds lets you change the taskbar and whatnot. I have it on my computer, and it completely changes the look of, well, everything. Works with Vista and everything!


(I just did it. Sweeeet.) (I had an icon.)


I'll look into that Windowsblinds thing. Thanks.



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Here's extremely close to the perfect desktop:




That dock on the top only comes up when I move my mouse up there.


The only thing I wish is that I could get rid of those six icons on my desktop. I just really like them there - they're easier to get to then for some reason.


I'll probably find some way to change that though. :P



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Alright, now I've cleared all but my main folder and my recycle bin.


Like it CF?




Also, what media player are you using to play music in your picture?



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But, how does he get the little black thing like that? When I make it smaller like that, it comes out as something different [i forget what, but I know it's not the same thin]


Maybe it's Vista . . .



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Windowblinds is what I use as well. :) I'm using the Thallos skin. Not sure if it's included with the package or a separate download.

I really enjoyed the Eminence skin before I lost the start bar for a dock. Haha.

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Nah, it's Vista. I'm wanting to get into Linux, but it's hard to find a suitable computer.

Really? Do you just hide your taskbar? And those other things looked cool.


Alright, now I've cleared all but my main folder and my recycle bin.


Like it CF?




Also, what media player are you using to play music in your picture?

This is nice. Probably what I would like if I had to have icons on my desktop. Or use a dock. Ultimately this, or the previous one you showed me, were great. A few necessary icons that you probably use every day and the rest you know how to get to, or put in your dock. The docks are nice because you an also access them without going to your desktop. It's like having the functions of your desktop wherever you are!


Best of all is you're using the silver taskbar. I remember when I had a 95 I changed the box color to a deep red. Strive to be different!


He would appear to be using Windows Media Player.

But, how does he get the little black thing like that? When I make it smaller like that, it comes out as something different [i forget what, but I know it's not the same thin]


Maybe it's Vista . . .



It's not Vista, well maybe it is, if XP can't handle the latest edition of WMP. 11, I think? Whatever the latest edition is, it's nice, and came with my Vista, but you can probably download it for XP. When I drop it down (NOT switch screens thankfully) it puts that thing in the corner. When a new song starts or I roll the mouse over, it pops up with the song info and how far it's gotten, then drops down a few seconds later. It's quite nice. The only things that bug me are I can't use BACKSPACE to (duh) go back, and when shifting through screen (alt+tab) WMP is not included. AND it will recognize there are songs in your music folder and immediately add them.


Windowblinds is what I use as well. :) I'm using the Thallos skin. Not sure if it's included with the package or a separate download.

I really enjoyed the Eminence skin before I lost the start bar for a dock. Haha.

DeepBlue2.0 is really snazzy, though I haven't strayed from the front page yet. My friend says I have to pay to download it?

But this looks just like what I'm looking for, to stray away from the norm.



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