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Your Owls Are Hooting

Watashi Wa


99 on Algebra 2 test

69 on Chemistry test (the math part of chemistry >>....not cool)


My 360 is starting to freeze on me. Darned Hard Drive got infected somehow...I'll probably have to get a new one. It's really odd though; I've had my 360 for nearly 7 months, and it just started freezing. Some game I played recently must not have gone to well with my Hard Drive. Hopefully I'll be able to move all of my saves and data onto a USB flash drive and then transfer that to a new Hard Drive. If not, I'll be unhappy. I've got nearly 30+ games saved on there, along with plenty of music. Losing all that would send me off the deep end.


Though, I shouldn't complain, because two kids at my school got their car broken into. Lost their subs, speakers, CDs, stereos. And this happened -during- school.


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Dang, life of a junior isn't over easy either, eh? By the way, the same thing happened to my 360, hopefully it hasn't gotten to your entire system like mine ;) . Anyway, nice job on the Algebra test, but is your grading scale different than mine? In my grading scale, a 69=F :P . But I've heard a 69 is like a D in some places.. Anyway, good luck with your life :D .

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I got an 89 in Chemistry for my midterm (more like progress report, this doesn't count as final quarter grade). It's the only B I've ever gotten in High School. This 69 on a test will definately not help, unless I get a perfect 100 on the next test.


But yeah, AP classes at my school?!?! Psssht. No.

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