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Vezon Owns



Go to Bionicle.com (or Bioniclestory.com).


The latest update on TN's blog is quite something... really setting the scene for next year, even though we'll be somewhere else entirely and will only likely see them in a short web serial. Hey, you know what, it would be interesting if Greg just keeps up TN's blog all of next year... maybe not as long or as often, but as something that connects us back to the previous eight years. (Naw, probably wouldn't work, too much work for him)


BiA wasn't great... Tobrahk or whatever just regurgitated his sob story. Mazeka only got in a few lines, all kind of bleh. But Vezon... now he can finally get past the "funny guy just spouting good lines on the sideline" and get some real action done. Oh yes, I can't wait to see where this goes. (Hopefully into next year's serial, if you know what I mean)


Oh, BTW, I wrote a long post in an argument topic. Now, it will either be completely ignored and people will continue to raise issues I tried to clarify without bothering to realize that an answer (or opinion) may have already been posted. Or[b/] Omi and/or bonesiii will disregard my whole post with a single sentence and then (at least in bonesiii's case) type their own lengthy post and except everybody to read it. (I confess, I usually read only the first few lines of bonesiii's long posts and then just skim the rest if I'm interested... else I just skip it all, he usually makes the same points multiple times because nobody read it the first time around)


I've been to enough of these "argument topics" to know that whatever I have to say is squat, because I usually try to take a rational middle ground. (Or sometimes I just don't have well thought out reasoning, and thus have no competition to the other participants, be they right or wrong.)


As my dad says, everybody is entitled to their own opinion... no matter how wrong or pigheaded it might be.




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Yes, in Greg's words, 'he [Greg] writes crazy well'. :P


And some of us are lucky bones boldifies the important points of his posts. :P

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So Tobduk has a staff with a doom viper head, does he?

I suppose next thing you know he'll look like this:


Yes please. :P


Vezon with a Taka army would be awesome.



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