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Songs That Rip U In Two.



I'm sure there's others, but this one popped to mind when I ran into it again on a compilation.


Hybrid - Finished Symphony


This was in one of the SSX games on PS2.

The version of it I first encountered was on "Sasha and Digweed - Northern Exposure II : East Coast Edition".


I's love to hear someone do a remix combining the original version with the godlike enhancements on Sasha and Digweed's version. (actually, the whole CD is good)


Aside from being real good, it happened to coincide with a moment where I took to long to tell someone I liked them. Double-owie.


So what about you? Any songs that slam you into the cold, wet ground and leave you there until it's over?



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<3 Finished Symphony.



I'd have to say the Gettysburg trilogy (The Devil to Pay/Hold at All Cost/High Warer Mark) by Iced Earth. There are freaking gunshots and cannonballs in the songs.



Also, Sunshine by BoA always leaves me teary-eyed because it's so beautiful.

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::goes over to playlist site and listens to both::


Neither really tugged at me, though neither are bad music, either.


Sunshine sounded a lot like an asian version of, say, Mariah Carey or the young Whitney Houston. Like how they sing softly, then loudly, then by the end they're just trying to see if they can shatter glass. (Though this wasn't as bad as that, the progression was similar).


Gettysburg wasn't too tearful, despite the subject matter.

It was far too power-rock to slip past the wartime adrenaline music and into the sadness of it all.


I'll tell you though, having watched the Civil War documentary series from the late 80's, a song that hits me a little is "The Ashokan Farewell". I think I spelled that right. But the sadness surrounding that might personally just be that I'm connecting it to the dreary stuff going on in the documentary it was used in.


Ah, just thought up two more that hit me.


Delerium featuring Sarah McLachlan - Silence (there are MANY different versions of this... some slow and boring, some cool and hyper-technoey and one or two that are just right ...usually embedded inside someone's mixes)




Ascension - Somebody (same as above, many versions, not all sanely remixed.)



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