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I Refuse To Divulge The Topic Of This Entry In A Title! D8<

Crimson Jester


Hello again, Vault Dwellers.


Have you ever had an absurd idea for a day you could not possibly imagine happening? And, furthering that, have you ever had one of those days actually take place? In five days, I can successfully say I have.


See, my former plight is this: one of my favorite bands, Disturbed, although having toured regularly since the release of 2000's The Sickness, they haven't done a full-fledged Canadian tour, or even dipped into the western provinces, since 2001.


Despite my chagrin at this, my imagination pushed its' boundaries, placing me in many a happy moment, imagining myself moshing to one great song after another. For 7 years this absurd dream remained instilled in my mind, occasionally resurfacing itself. But, less than a month ago, this dream became a reality:


It was a dark, cold Monday night, in mid-October. Being home alone yet again, I had free reign of the house, and thus, unlimited computer access.


I popped up Firefox, and began thinking, eventually deciding on committing to the occasional, ever-so-daunting task of checking my email inbox. Most of it was, no surprise, spam, chain mail, or ###### I didn't feel like reading. But suddenly, I stumbled upon a message from the oh-so-glorious TicketMaster. Immediately, I noticed 'Disturbed' buried amongst it's contents.


At first, I was a bit hesitant, having just weeks prior, lost a savage ticket battle to attend Metallica. But, my brain said 'What the hey', and I went at it. Much to my surprise, the tickets had yet to go on sale, and had a nice little pre-sale going on. So, using my vast resources, I tracked down the pre-order code, and hopped on to TicketMaster.


And this brings me to today; it is just five days shy of the Disturbed concert, and here I am, holding four crisp, heavenly tickets in my hand.




Aside from this illustrious story, I have not much to report here from the Vault, sadly. This weekend, though, will be quite the marvelous one. I relish in the thought of having four days off, to sleep, eat, and continue some epic adventures in the Capital Wasteland.


Oh, there is one thing I would like to mention right now: if you have any wonderful ideas for fan-dangled additions to The Vault, or topics for me to discuss, please, don't be afraid to inform me.


Well, I've been writing on-and-off for a fair hour here, so, I believe it's time for the ever-so-infamous (Hah! I wish!) line. But first, I'll leave you with a link to a brilliant short story, by my good friend Nayaks.


As well, The Vault now has it's own members club, with exclusive imagery, special status, and other great features! PM me for info on The Vault Dwellers' Society!


The Balance of Power


Until next time BZP,




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