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Ask The Overseer, Part I

Crimson Jester


Hello, readers. You may be wondering what 'Ask the Overseer' is. Simply put, it's a version of a mailbag; you send me your questions, I'll answer them!


Dear Overseer: how long ago did you start RPing on BZPower, and what was the first RPG you joined?

Thank you for your question, EW. I had to do a bit of research on this one, but, here's your answer: I began RPing on BZPower in early 2004, in a CoT RPG known as 'The Empire Returns: A Star Wars RPG'.


Dear Overseer, is Schrodinger's Cat dead or alive?

Ah, yet again, an intelligent question. At first, I wasn't overly familiar with the subject, but what I concluded from a bit of research, is that, although the cat either appears dead or alive, the cat is, in fact, both dead and alive. Hope that helps. ;)


Dear Overseer, could I get a non-American opinion on the election?

Ah, here's something I know quite well. See, despite not being an American, I followed the election rather closely.

This election was definitely the most interesting one in a long time. Because, not only was history going to change, the fate of Canadian-American relations rested in the balance. On one side, you had the generally politically-strong, American hero John McCain, who I've always had support for. And, on the other side, a relatively unheard of newcomer, Barack Obama.

A little-known fact is, that, at the beginning of the election, I was more supporting of John McCain. Before you go accusing me, though, look at his past record: first of all, he spent five years fighting his captor valiantly at Hanoi. After, with his Senatorship, he proved to be very strong and just on the political level as well.

But, as the election moved on, my mind was swayed. The newcomer Obama was a unique one. He brought a young, fresh, intelligent face to the U.S., a kind of retribution for a nation on the brink with the world. McCain was turning into another Bush, sadly, so I abandoned him.

In my view, the election played out perfectly. John McCain, due to his past record, had a good number of votes. But, overall, I am GLAD that Obama won. You guys needed a change. :P


Dear Overseer, what do you dislike about yourself?

Well, aside from the fact that it's a stupid word...

Oh, wait. I gotcha. :P

Well, I really don't dislike anything about myself. I mean, I've got it all. Self-hate is bad mojo. :P


Anyways, that's all that's in my mailbag today! Thanks to everyone who submitted questions!


Remember, if you'd like to see your question answered by the Overseer, send me a PM, entitled 'Ask the Overseer', and it'll be up in the next installment of 'Ask the Overseer'!


Until next time BZP,



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