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Introducing The Me Project



I'm sick and tired of

  • accomplishing nothing
  • being self-defeating
  • being spiritually restless
  • being lonely for no reason
  • being subject to every little external force in my life
  • feeling like half a man
  • not having a clear direction
  • not being the person I would like to be.
I have decided to start being proactive. I want to change.


This isn't the first time I've attempted to grow as a person. The first try went bust after three months and I'm not entirely sure how to prevent the same thing happening again. I recognize one mistake I made then is I didn't listen to the people I should have listened to. I went my own way and got lost in the woods, so to speak. And when I got found, I was so afraid of getting lost again that I essentially gave up on the whole thing. This time I have what I need and I'm going to use it. I will watch my step very carefully.


To reflect this endeavour, my blog is no longer the Hog Hole. It is now Hedgehog Mountain.


This promises to be an adventure.




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Well, I know what it can be like, dude.


You've got my support, and if you ever need it, I'm always hear to listen, Via PM or otherwise.



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Go, BCii! Go, BCii! I'm rooting for ya for this radical change!


And, y'know, from a hidey hole to a mountain peak, 'tis a nice change. Hmm... it promises to be quite an adventure.


I echo Janus's offer. Any stumbles along the way and you need help getting out of it, I'm a PM away.



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:ohmy: You kids are sweet. Thanks for the support. But I'm sure you'll understand that the people I'm really in need of are the ones IRL.


Janus, your assignment is to PM me with an honest self-assessment of your own "Me Project." That's if you're interested.


<daydreamer>, I would not call this a "radical" life change at all. At the time I wrote the above entry, I really was sick and tired of all those things, so I worked up a strong counterreaction to the toxic conditions of my inner life. The best revolutions start with a bang. The rest is all about using that initial momentum to build something that will last.



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