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Fire Vs. Water - Debate 2

Jedi Gali


Welcome everyone to the second debate!


The topic tonight: Fire vs. Water, which is a more devastating natural weapon? Toa Humva of Alex defends fire while Nuju Metru will argue for water.


Once more, may I remind you not to comment till the debate is over and the comment entry is up. Thanks.


To start things off, could Toa Humva of Alex and then Nuju Metru post their opening statements?


Let's begin.


:kaukau: -JG


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Yes, yes. However, this still doesn't destroy the water. Fire existing in water is no great triumph, as water existing in fire kills the fire. Fire can only coexist with water, while water can both resist fire and douse it.

Let us do a little test. You a make a pit. Let's say a foot deep. You fill it with water. Now, there are holes in the sides. We put very hot fire through those holes. You now, basically, have a cage of fire. The water turns to gas form pretty quick.


Fire can not co-exist in water. Water can not co-exist in fire. It's that simple.


Forgive me, I made this post before JD's.


First, I'd like to thank JD again for letting me deabte Nuju. It's been a good run, and I've enjoyed it.


But the question of water and fire still remains. I can only say this: They are equal. Both have helped humans since the beginning of time, and both are effective weapons. All in all, fire and water are just things we can bicker about, but for every weakness one has, the other has. For every plus, another plus.


Thank you.

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Thank you both for a very interesting debate.


I'd like you post your closing statements now.


:kaukau: -JG


Okay. In conclusion, Water the most important natural force in our lives. From keeping us alive to killing is, it is an overlooked power in our world. As it never gives up, and is impossible to rout, water is a merciless, efficient enemy. But it is also a benevolent overlord, letting every being on Earth live and prosper.


Excellent debate, if I may say so. Alex, you proved a formidable opponent. Jedi Gali, thank you again for graciously hosting this argument. I certainly enjoyed it.


-Nuju Metru

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