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Yearning For Rest



I hate Novembers.


Currently, I'm exhausted.


Two and a half weeks ago, I started my job at KB Toys in the Natick Collection as a sales associate. I've learned a lot on the job, and I think I've finally become a decent employee (because I ain't fired yet :P ). It's a holiday store (AKA seasonal store) and will close down sometime in January.


Last Tuesday, I auditioned for a part for the play "Bocón" for the Spring Festival. Spring Festival is quite a big deal, considering it's basically the Oscars for drama companies around the county. I play a major role as Luis (pronounced lu-weez), the father of the main character Miguel. Rehearsal starts Monday, so I'm gonna have to work hard on this (even if the play is four months away). Hopefully my job won't get in the way of rehearsal in the beginning, I want to make a good impression on our director, Donna. From what I hear, she's tough as nails on plays and ain't afraid to yell.


My sleeping is being really sketchy in the past week. Sleeping in class is becoming all too common, and history class is a hostile place for nap-time because my two friends aren't afraid to fart in my face, pour some water in my hair, et cetera, as I drool on my desk. Health class on the other hand is not hostile, but I shouldn't be sleeping in there at all. >_<


My poetry is taking off. I've made a few songs, a couple rhymes, and story ideas (or scenarios) in my head. My creative side is leaking once again, and I'm creating alter-egos of myself where I could be infatuated with a blue-eyed beauty or some other thing.


After working 15 hours in the past 36, I'm pooped. I've down two Pepsi's, a plate of thanksgiving leftovers, and an apple, and I'm still hungry when I shouldn't be. Consider the 15 hours being of standing up, climbing ladders, reaching high shelves, greeting people and handing out flyers of KB Toys's "BIGGEST SALE EVA" and faking a smile, plus being humiliated by many friends of mine. Oh yeah, a toy store has benefits, like 30 percent off anything you buy... but I'm sixteen years old and haven't gotten my first bloody paycheck, I ain't buyin' no dang toy.


If I get asked if we carry Bakugan again, I'm shoving a Barbie down a customers throat and running myself over with twenty six RC cars.


Truly, I want my first paycheck so I can get a Zune 120 GB mp3 player. No, I don't want no iPhone, iTouch, nothing of Apple. I hate iTunes, hate Windows Media Player (it isn't technical enough), and I <3 Zune Software.










###### it all...




It just midnight,

and the lights are still on,

I can't get myself to rest,

I feel wore out,

I'm covered in doubt,

and I just want someone to hold...


Oh Lord, can help me find,

Someone to hold, give me a sign,

a girl to love who'll truly be mine,

who'll let our love live,

'til to the end of time


I see all around me,

A hundred girls like me,

But none of them are ever all true...


I pray every day,

Someone'll come my way,

and I'll never again have these words to say...


Oh Lord, can help me find,

Someone to hold, give me a sign,

a girl to love who'll truly be mine,

who'll let our love live,

'til to the end of time


Gotta keep keep looking,

Try to find,

The love of my life,

Can't give up...


Oh Lord, can help me find,

Someone to hold, give me a sign,

a girl to love who'll truly be mine,

who'll let our love live,

'til to the end of time


Oh Lord, can help me find,

Someone to hold, give me a sign,

a girl to love who'll truly be mine,

who'll let our love live,

'til to the end of time


Oh Lord, can help me find,

Someone to hold, give me a sign,

a girl to love who'll truly be mine,

who'll let our love live,

'til to the end of time









Recommended Comments

Well, I'm sure the paycheck will be great once you get it. Work can be a hassle, but it's a lot better than being jobless. I have no idea how I'm going to be able to get Christmas presents this year for people. Dx


Being super busy isn't fun. :[

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