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Three Friends, One Knife, All Over A Girl.





Framingham Police have arrested a pair of brothers they say were involved in an afternoon stabbing at Framingham High School today. A 15-year-old boy is charged with assault with the intent to kill, assault and battery with a knife, disorderly conduct and disturbing a school assembly. His 16-year-old brother was charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing a school assembly, police said.


Another 16-year-old Framingham High boy was stabbed in the buttocks by the unidentified 15-year-old after a group of teens argued about a girl on the front steps of Framingham High School this afternoon, police said.


The unidentified victim was fighting with several other students when the 15-year-old, who was not previously part of the argument, came up on the victim from behind and stabbed him in the buttocks, said police spokesman Lt. Paul Shastany.


The victim ran into the high school and the suspect walked away, Shastany said. Police detained another student who was involved in the fight to question him, but he has not been arrested.


The 16-year-old victim is still being treated at a Boston hospital, Shastany said.


Read tomorrow's Daily News for complete coverage.

I know the brothers. The 16-year-old and I sit at lunch together. Heck I sat with him yesterday eating his nachos. We get into deep thought conversations about nearly everything.


The victim I talked to occasionally on the late-bus rides home.


I was in the building when it happened, but not at the scene of the crime. Maybe it would've went down differently, heck I myself could've been arrested or something fighting with the stabber. I knew I would be able to get the 16-year-old to his senses, but no, had to get a detention on the other side of the school...


Looks to be a lonely lunch tomorrow... my teachers better leave me the heck alone.


Of all weeks...




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Sounds like you're a regular [catalyst]-magnet lately, attracting all sorts of pain. Not fun at all. But DON'T blame yourself for that. Please. The fact that you were in detention and couldn't be there to stop the incident is NOT your fault. The detention in itself is a different matter, obviously, but as far as the stabbing, you are totally guiltless.


It might be good be able to talk this through with the people involved. If not, that's OK too. But if they need your support, well. . . just be there if you can. But try not to take it too hard on yourself, eh?


<o> <o>

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not to be a little insencitive but...


I want to hear about this girl and what they were arguing about.

what takes a guy from a simple dissagreement to pull a knife all of a sudden.

Did they all like her or something (and the guy with the knive was the ever protective boyfriend or brother)?



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I'm so sorry...nothing like this ever happens where I live...people do stupid things and get in trouble over drinking or whatever at my school, but that's nothing...nothing. I wish I had some advice or some incredibly clever anecdote or something, but all I've got is sympathy. I hope your friend will be okay.





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whoa... so the kid just came up and stabbed him, and he wasn't in the argument at all? that's just creepy. i hope nothing like this happens at my school.


i am so sorry for you. it must be really hard to realize a freind would do that. i seriously hope life gets better for you from now on.

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