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... Wait, What?



So I've got this Latin worksheet for homework and there's this one question, "Copy out and give line numbers for all the words related to snakes or snake imagery in this passage."


... what? Uh, well, aside from the fact that the entirety of lines 203-215ish are describing these two snakes... uh... I mean, what are they looking for?


Obviously "angues," "serpens," and "dracones" since those words literally mean "snake" or "serpent," but what else? Do they want me to mention the "immensa volumine terga," the massive backs with coils? Should I mention "sinuat," twisting, or how their vibrating tongues lick their faces, or all the description of them devouring Laocoon and his sons, or what? Like I said, the entire darned thing is talking about these snakes!


On a completely unrelated note, I finished Prelude to Foundation yesterday and I loved this line:


"The Empire must be steadied or rebuilt on a new foundation. Let there be two such, rather than one, if that is possible."


There's a certain kind of enjoyment you can only get out of prequels... what with seeing how the stuff you know is going to happen in the future was set up and precedented. And little bits of reverse foreshadowing like that.




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