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Well, a senior friend was right in saying I wouldn't get any work done over Thanksgiving break. I thought I'd study for a quiz I had this morning, but he was right in saying I'd wait until the night before.

So I stayed up until 2, having only studied 15 minutes.

Got a little over 6.5 hours of sleep, thanks to my roommate coming back this morning instead of yesterday and was just chilling until time for our class.


But it was a weird night, and then I took a 50 minute nap before French (and I must have looked it since my teacher said something) and now I've been in front of a library computer surfing instead of finding info for my class. (Using Firefox Portable though (and Pidgin). I definitely recommend you download and install that onto your flash drive for occasions like these. Unless you're like my friend and prefers IE. :wacko: )


Now, I should be working on a French presentation on the Louvre, but considering my present state of mind....


Oh well, 2.5 hours until dinner. Forgot my MP3 player in my room.


-CF :kakama:

Quotes on my (powerless) laptop, sorry. :P


Recommended Comments

You sound like Xccj. :P



Wait... what? Are you insinuating something?


For your information, I got half my programming homework done on the train ride back. And then I skipped physics to watch Star Wars...



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