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The Internet



Huge credit to, as he's currently known, "Simulcast in Three Dee", for occasionally saying this entry's point and getting me thinking, and a certain recent 2-hour event that made me decide to post this.


Contrary to popular belief, it really is serious business. I mean, think about it. Your reading the thoughts of some kid in full colour, the image being transferred through multiple small cables and often merely through invisible beams in the air, through walls, windows, so many things, all powered by devices running off parts small enough to eat. You can live in America and become friends with someone in China on the other side of the world. Through webcams you can see, hear and talk to people who aren't even on earth(NASA has done stuff like that with the ISS). You can publish your story in the form of an epic and within days millions of people have read it. You can hold a conference between a man in Japan, Canada, England and Russia without anyone leaving home. You can post your musical talent like Mr. Tay Zonday and Funtwo have and become a celebrity with millions of people having heard your work in a matter of months. It can reignite someone's career from their work being a prank amongst friends and specific forums to being something that happens on live TV at the Macy's parade, and it can start someone's career like it did for the band who recorded the song for the "free hugs" video, the band in question now signed to Virgin Records. Through blogs, common people become first-response reporters, giving genuinely unbiased opinions of stuff literally as it happens because the internet has advanced to the point their phones and MP3 players can use it. It's amazing.


So why is this incredible tool often falling to spam, trolling, "NO U"-isms and other wastes of the internets sheer power?


Simply put, nobody truly understands the internet. As I once recall seeing it put, "The Internet is a gun nobody knows how to use". We all know it's incredible power. But at the same time we don't know how to utilize it, and everyone has different ideas. Some people think it's a perfect weapon, some think it's a tool of friendship, some think it's a series of tubes, some like me think it's got various purposes, probably the greatest being it's potential for fixing this messed-up world.


What do I mean? Let's go back to the American-Chinese friendship example I gave. Despite speaking different languages, living on opposite sides of the world from each other, having incredibly different views and more, two people can get along without ever meeting each other because of the internet. I'm just guessing based on the cold war, but odds are China is somewhat anti-capitalism, which includes being anti-America, and vice versa for America and Communism, but if two people from those two countries can see past the others nationality, possibly mainly because what they see is text and not skin, then there's a chance everyone can.


And not just with nationalities. Religious rifts could be healed by members of the warring religions who, without meeting and having the chance to build up prejudices, lead an example. Prejudices that certain groups are evil that have no backing could be wiped away by someone with these prejudices meeting someone over the internet, liking them and then learning their supposed to dislike them when they've come to see them as a likable person.


And not just with repairing things like that either. Google can give you what you want with a bit of typing and hitting the enter key. If you go into a third-world village and give everyone in the village solar-powered broadband internet-enabled laptops a la the OLPC program, what starts as one child googling "home" and figuring out how to build a home similar to a modern one could advance to the point that, in a few years, they could become a superpower. Look at Japan; they went from not being advanced enough to participate in WWI, to being a huge factor in WWII, and their one of today's leading countries in the fields of science and technology. And that was without the internet.


The internet has also made dreams possible. There are thousands of indie bands, underground comedians, who want to do that for their job, who would've gone unknown without the internet, but are getting signed on the first steps to a professional career because a corporate man saw and liked their video work. Going back to the example of the band who recorded the song for the "Free Hugs" video, namely Sick Puppies, I guarantee you an Australian alt. rock group like them would've gone unnoticed until breakup without it. Thanks to the internet though, they've been signed to Virgin Records.


Through the internet, soldiers in foreign nations can keep in touch with their families, keeping more families together and less spirits from breaking. People in rehab and hospitals can see their family from bed, when thirty or so years ago they would've been alone. Bringing people together.


From the "bringing people together" key, you and me. We don't live near each other, we've never met each other and odds are never will. But through the internet we've come to know each other enough that your willing to read my thoughts in this blog, whatever they may be. And look at BZP. Thousands of people have gathered to a single website, and for more than Bionicle; look at CoT. It's denser than pretty much every other forum. Even when we're not feeling like talking about Bionicle, BZP still has plenty for us to do.


And not to mention all the other incredible things the internet has managed to do. through machines controlled over the internet by soldiers, field troops can avoid danger, live longer and even fight better. The possibilities are amazing. The power is out there to do incredible things with the click of some keys and a mouse. We only need to stop following memes and spamming for fun long enough to see what we must to do move the world up through this device we know as "the internet". It's not just a luxury anymore. It's not just a part of life anymore. It's become a way of transcending barriers, saving lives, becoming a more efficient species, and so much more. You and I are part of a new generation, a generation given this incredible gift of the internet. I say we stop using it for childish memes, and start using it to fix the world's problems.


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It is well thought out, but the internet can also be a place for someone to relax after a long, hardworking day, and just winding it all down by going and doing some stupid things on other sites, that involve memes... not so much spam as no one likes that, can just be fun. There are people who dedicate their lives to trying to improve everything that is going on and they are the ones who are to be serious on the internet, but the little fun things are just something that can entertain some people, if they're bored.


People don't generally see the internet as this huge opening, generally, with people I know at least, they just do what they want. If they wrote a story, and if they want to post it, they sure will. If they had a video that is really awesome, they'll post it, or if they find a meme and get into it, they pretty much will.


I'm not a serious person on the internet, cuz it kills the joy I have with it. For me, internet is a luxury considering the fact that I do not have the ability to do anything really huge on it, or even the authority to do so. I act serious when need be, and like a moron when the situation calls for it. I don't think I'll be one of the people to oslve workd problems via computer, or make any connections with it as for me, it is just a great thing to have around, and it is incredibly helpful. The job I have in mind is obtainable as is, and so I won't have to go undercover and become an "underground".


It can be serious, and then there are the things that aren't serious. It all depends on who you're talking with and what your mindset is in the end.


People who want to do great things, they can. People who could care less, could care less.

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I could not type it any better.


But I'll try to next time in my Podcast >: D


Seriously, bravo. You've hit everything so well. -Swert

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All I know is that you can dance around like a moron while saying something stupid and if you did it right (or terribly wrong), you can have one million people looking at you within a week.


Let's see YOU do that, television!


I'm scared for the internet though. It IS a powerful thing.

But just like China has a good chunk of the net blocked off by that government, now those running Australia are planning to as well.


Imagine getting online and getting in trouble by your government for just looking up things they tell you you shouldn't, much less speaking your mind to the rest of the citizens of the world. Spooky spooky.

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All I know is that you can dance around like a moron while saying something stupid and if you did it right (or terribly wrong), you can have one million people looking at you within a week.


Let's see YOU do that, television!


I'm scared for the internet though. It IS a powerful thing.

But just like China has a good chunk of the net blocked off by that government, now those running Australia are planning to as well.


Imagine getting online and getting in trouble by your government for just looking up things they tell you you shouldn't, much less speaking your mind to the rest of the citizens of the world. Spooky spooky.


The sad thing is that's perfectly legal, even here in the United States. And apparently I'm a terrorist.


Oh, and I'm half and half on this issue, there are places to be serious and places to just laugh at random behavior. And as far as I'm concerned, there are only a handful of topics on BZP that are serious business. (This being said I rarely visit outside of CoT but still, I can imagine there are just as many non-serious topics elsewhere just by the nature of the forum)

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You are right. As with all technologies and advancements of the future we often take the internet for granted. While a vast majority of the sites on the internet are for sheer entertainment we still shouldn't take it for granted. Im tempted to make a series of tubes joke but I couldnt find a way it would fit.

The stupidity in the internet is not caused by a lack of understanding for it but just for fun. Simulcast I hope your not a terrorist cause thats bad. ;)

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Very well thought out, Necro. Yes, it is serious business. As I said on AIM, the Internet, to me, is a giant city, somewhat like New York City. The spam, the memes, things like that represents the graffiti that riddles the city. Things like a certain website I can't mention but from which many memes arise represent the underworld, drug rings, things like that, and the Internet figure Anonymous represents gangs of the city.


Then there are the respectable parts, as with any city. Gleaming skyscrapers in the form of BZP, and little shops in between that are businesses using the Internet for networking purposes.


These are all common troubles that ANY city falls to eventually. No matter the city. No matter how strict the laws are or how loose. Therefore, it's only natural that the Internet, a melting-pot city teeming with life, has come to the same troubles in its life-path.


There was something else but it's skipped from my mind presently.



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Very well thought out, Necro. Yes, it is serious business. As I said on AIM, the Internet, to me, is a giant city, somewhat like New York City. The spam, the memes, things like that represents the graffiti that riddles the city. Things like a certain website I can't mention but from which many memes arise represent the underworld, drug rings, things like that, and the Internet figure Anonymous represents gangs of the city.


Then there are the respectable parts, as with any city. Gleaming skyscrapers in the form of BZP, and little shops in between that are businesses using the Internet for networking purposes.


These are all common troubles that ANY city falls to eventually. No matter the city. No matter how strict the laws are or how loose. Therefore, it's only natural that the Internet, a melting-pot city teeming with life, has come to the same troubles in its life-path.


There was something else but it's skipped from my mind presently.




The social figure Anonymous is closer to the vigilante than the gang if we're to use such symbolism.



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Double Standard: RSS'd, linked, and approved. :)





<o> <o>

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But I find, quite often, the people who tend to wind up making the world worse are the ones who take things too seriously. It's good to take the Internet both lightly and seriously, to use it like Spink said.

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Basically you were having good points up until I realized how long it was.


But the internet not being serious applies to things like annoying kids and people who flip out over nothings.


Also trolling is an art namely because everything can be an art if you try hard enough.

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