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The Zed Club





Who ya' gonna join? B)


So like, I thought I might as well gather a cult following start an Awesome Club. B)

Post in this entry if you want to join. Members will get.. a high-five, and their name in a custom content block. They will also be deemed awesome by me. B)



1) You must be a BZP member. :P

2) You have to provide a reason as to why you wish to join this Awesome Club.

So what are you reading for? Join! :P



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I want to join due to the following logic:

1) You're Zeddy.

2) You're the Joker, as Zeddy = Joker

3) The Joker is awesome.

4) Logically, anything the Joker owns is awesome.

5) As Zeddy = Joker = awesome, this club must be awesome.


Get it?


-Nuju Metru

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I'm sorry to tell you but you'll be sued by copyright issues :P


Neither of these claims have any legal power over the Zed Club whatsoever, as dictated by the ruing body of the Her Imperial Highness, EmpressWhenua, and the Zed Club has been given the Royal Seal of Pink.




Oh, and I will join because I can.



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I'm Joining;

  1. It's for Zeddy, who is the master of awesomeness.
  2. I like cheese
  3. catram.jpg
  4. catiem.jpg
  5. catday.jpg
  6. I invaded JINZONINGEN 73's Maj with;


That enough for you?
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I'll join, 'cause I've known you for a long time, you're my fellow worker at Dark Beings Banner shop, and you're awesome. :D

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I'm sorry to tell you but you'll be sued by copyright issues :P

For the record, I clicked on that link, fully expecting a picture of Dolores Umbridge to pop up.



I can't eat it this time? :(

So are you guys joining or not? :P


I'll join because you know who I am.


Err.. do I know you? :P

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I will join! Cause Zeddy's my man..... I mean my ummm.... what am I saying...... I'm Awesome! You're Awesome We're all Awesome! Never gonna Awesome you up! B) :lol: :D :) :tohu:


- Zaktansnake

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Credit to Silver Avohkiizedbanner.pngProductions for this banner!

Credit to [url="http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=294461"]Silver Avohkii[/url][url="http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=1167&showentry=50919"][img=http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/nuparurocks/LakeProto/zedbanner.png][/url][url="http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=294461"]Productions[/url] for this banner!

Unfortunately, because I requested it in Silver Avohkii Productions it requires credit, so don't forget that.



An avatar too, no credit required for this one.

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