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My Fish Had Babies!=o



They did.


They're orangish...and teeny...I don't know what they will look like for a while. They're platies (sp?). The parents are Mickey and Plato (or Twitchy, I can't keep those two straight); just for reference, Mickey is white with an orange tail and a Mickey Mouse-ears-shaped marking on the tail, and Plato (or Twitchy?) is a loverly reddish-orange with a black tail and markings.


So. Anybody want to get the honor of naming one of the kiddies?xD




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Whooaaa, so many names already.x3


-Nemo: cute, but kinda obvious

-Balthazar: lolrandom

-Terminus Est: sounds cool, but not fish-like...

-Renaldo: xD Adorable, that is

-Gadunka: Dude that's perfect.xDD

-Captain Spoknis: ...what have you been eating, Lady K?0.o That's awesomely random.x3

-@ Jinzoningen: we're debating whether to put a screen in the tank, or whether to put 'em in the little mini-tank we have. Trouble is, they're so freaking tiny that you can hardly find them.x3


Ack, indecision. I'll have to sleep on it. Fortunately there's like four of them, and not just one.x3





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I used to breed guppies, so I know all about this. Platy's are cool, but I got out of raising live-bearers because the tank gets full pretty quick if you don't have a predator in the tank to clear out the weak. Bettas are good for this, and females are a little less aggressive than the males, so they are more likely to to go after the babies rather than the adults.


Now I have an expensive male betta with a half moon tail, large tetras, two plecos (ones a bristlenose), 2 albino red fin sharks and a myriad of loaches. Loaches are so awesome, they have cute little personalities! :)


Don't name the babies, as many of em won't make it. Wait till they are a little older, and if possible, you may want to separate the males and females later on so you don't end up with a bunch of inbred fishies with bent spines and ugliness.

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-Captain Spoknis: ...what have you been eating, Lady K?0.o That's awesomely random.x3

I think I had chocolate right before I said that... xD

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