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Playing A Prank On The Future



I wonder if some of those ancient authors and poets thought to themselves, "What I'm writing will probably one day be considered a great work of classical literature. Why don't I invent my own word and use it exactly once in an ambiguous context, just to annoy the linguists once my language is dead?"


And if you're a mathematician, if you ever notice some interesting anomaly of numbers that seems to hold true for every set of arguments you test it on, don't bother proving it, especially if you're old or ailing and think you will die soon. Instead, scrawl your theorem in a margin of one of your books and say, "I've got a really elegant proof of this, unfortunately it doesn't fit in here." Mathematicians of the future will either prove it for you, or go crazy trying!


How about painters, eh? If you feel it's high time you created your masterpiece, make sure to throw in lots of intriguing and puzzling coincidences and subtle unconventional nuances, just enough to be obviously not unintentional to any intelligent person (or any intelligent conspiracy theorist, which some will tell you is an oxymoron). However, make sure that the mysterious code the clues in your painting seem to hint at doesn't actually exist, nor actually mean anything. Just to mess with the minds of centuries of art historians.


See, it's high time we got ready to do some of this sort of stuff. The future is full of minds what needs screwing with. The computer chip art is a start, but we need something more. Government memos should all contain a random nonsensical word or phrase encoded into them. I'm talking, some archaeologist three thousand years from now discovers a note to the President suggesting a declaration of war, and if he turns it upside down it says, "Three and a cup of mint." All you software engineers! Start putting mysterious warnings in the comments of your code! Employee emp = EmployeeList.get(x); //But does Employee x know that he won't have his job much longer? If you think of something else, go for it! We've got to get cracking, people!


We may not be around to see the results, but won't you die happier knowing that you're going to cause a scholar in the future hours of frustration?




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I already do this all the time. You guys just haven't noticed yet. ;)
But you're still alive. It's less cryptic if you point out that it's being done.


Also, rabbits, woodchucks, and weasels. Gingersnap softly.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


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We may not be around to see the results, but won't you die happier knowing that you're going to cause a scholar in the future hours of frustration?


It'd be YEARS AND YEARS possibly. Scholars will dedicate all of their life to it. Their family will leave them, they will spend years of their life in their basement, and will think they achieved an answer several times but then get contradicted until they finally make the breakthrough.


That's what being a scholar is all about.

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I think that even if we don't do anything different than what we do all the time, we'll confuse the living daylights out of archaeologists in the future.

Is that "necklace" what I think it is?


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I think that even if we don't do anything different than what we do all the time, we'll confuse the living daylights out of archaeologists in the future.

Is that "necklace" what I think it is?

Considering the theme of the rest of the costume, indubitably.

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