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New Newva

Danska: Shadow Master


I've finally completed a project I've been working on for months. No, not because it was a lot of work or difficult or anything of the sort, but because I simply didn't have the pieces available. Two days ago, I ordered the final pieces I needed. Today they arrived. I was quite impressed with that, to be honest. Two days is very fast indeed.


What I wanted to do, rather than complain constantly about how the Newva aren't right and so on, was to redesign them slightly and fix the parts I didn't like. I'm not talking rebuilding them entirely, just tweaking them here and there. So, here they are!




Yeah, I threw Takanuva in as well because I felt like making a Toa-sized version of him. I still love the 2008 set (considerably more than my Toa version, I might add), but he does throw things off a bit in group photos.


I'm not going to go into detail about each set now. I'll probably make a topic in the BBC forum at some point. I will, however, explain the blanket changes I made.


First off, the projectile weapons had to go. They're fun, certainly, but I think the sets look better without them. Besides, does the most powerful Toa team in the universe REALLY need them?


Secondly, I replaced all the red and blue pins with black ones. I also, where I felt it was appropriate, replaced the light grey axle rods with black ones too. It's only a minor thing, but I think they look much better for it.


Thirdly, I removed the Matoran connector/Inika shoulder armour thingy from the sets' backs. I really love the function, but it looks so silly otherwise!


That's it. All the other changes were made specifically for each set. I hope you like!


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Metru green and Lime green do not mix.
Also, IMHO, it looks like Pohatu's propellor is sticking out of his head. >.>
Oh, and what pieces did you order?
also also Kopaka wristblade is genius
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What pieces? Oh, so many over so long. Letsee...

- A large number of black axle pins

- Black and Metru Green Inika torsos

- Red and blue Piraka torsos

- All the Metru Green pieces on Lewa

- Four red Piraka legs

- Four Metru Blue Inika legs

- A few more smaller pieces


I also bought a second Gali and Kopaka to get some of the parts I needed, namely the extra Blizzard Blade and the silver jets/fins for Onua.


Think that's about it. Took me a while to get all of that, because I didn't realise all at once what parts I wanted.

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