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It's Feeling Like C H R I S T M A S !





OH YEAH. (: found that scribble on my maj the other day~ you wanna talk about OLLLLDDDD art. xD


ANYWAYS. We just put our CHRISTMAS TREE UP! (: It is BEAUTIFUL! We bought a new fake tree this year. Our old one was, well OLD. I think we've had it for about 9 YEARS. WOW. a LONNNGGG time. (: Anyways, you could pretty much see THROUGH the tree. xD So we went out and bought a new fake tree. It's NINE FEET. (: And it's beautiful! It's also PRELIT. YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT MAKING THINGS EASY! hahaha! So anyways the tree really is beautiful! I LOVE CHRISTMAS! Anyways, since our cat also destroyed ALL of our beautiful christmas bulbs, we went and bought new ones along with our tree. We're gonna put the bulbs on tomorrow night, because unfortunately half of our household has an OVERLOAD on homework tonight. x3 CAN'T WAIT FOR THE WEEKEND! Hehe.


And you know, since our NEW tree has lights already built into it, we can use our OLD lights for some extra decorations. =D yay! xD I LOVE LOVE LOVE decorating. We're also having a huge White Elephant Christmas Party with our entire church at our house on Saturday. It' going to be a blast. We'll be baking, cleaning & decorating like CRAZY! YAY YAY YAY! can't wait (:


SOOOOO. I love this time of year. For more reasons than the "Warm fuzzy feeling" that you get inside when you see the decorations out, and the candy, the carols. ~ sooooo yeah. (:




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