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Texting Rant!

Ptolemy - The Risen


The :angry: :pirate:


Mood: :P


Okay, texting. What is it with younger teenagers, and even older teenagers?!?!?!? Why are they so addicted to it? It doesn't make sense!!! In my opinion, that's just like saying, "Hey, I don't think you're important enough to talk to on the phone like traditional, so I'm going to send you text because I'm lazy."


Now now, this does not refer to people who text every so often, or as a means to tell people where they are. I'm talking about those who have long drawn-out conversations with people. And TEXTING IN SCHOOL! STOP!!! All that CLICKING ANNOYS PEOPLE! It really does! You know what I did one time? I told the teacher as I got up to go to the bathroom that so-and-so was texting and distracting me. And later in the class the teacher walks down the row and catches her texting (I laughed my behind off). And before you say anything about that, it was perfectly in my right, because it was distracting me from learning (which I need to do in that class because my grades are slipping).


It really is one thing I hate. AND I HAVE HAD TEXTING IN THE PAST. I don't see why people are so addicted to it. Like, okay, especially when you're hanging out with FRIENDS or significant others. PUT THE PHONE AWAY. My girlfriend, whenever we are together, if she gets her phone out, I take it and put it in my pocket. And she doesn't pout or anything, because she know's she broke my number one rule of not texting while we're together, unless its important.


Now back to school. If you're just doing that to be rebellious, I can tell you, there are MANY things that are more fun and rebellious. Most I cannot mention, and some have repercussions, but the truth is they are a lot more entertaining then annoying other people with senseless clicking.


Okay My rant is over....The Irate Pirate.


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I closed that topic.


A warning: If I see the same attitude here that I saw in the topic, I will be locking this entry.


Now a rebuttal; I text. I text because I can easily keep track of addresses, phone numbers and all other sorts of info easily, moreso than my poor wracked brain can handle. I can also communicate with friends of mine within a program (we aren't in the same class always) to set up study times or ask questions when you have five minutes between classes.


It is also handy to talk to parents or friends when the place you are is noisy, such as parties concerts or the like.


Granted I'm a college student, so this really doesn't apply to kids that are eight. But it is a differing opinion.

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And also, if you read, you'd know that I'm talking about excessive texting (like whole what would take more then ten minutes in talking, worth of conversation...).

As I said in the topic, many people, myself included, would rather read text than talk. Even though I have the option for voice chat with my friends on gmail, I still choose to text chat.

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Actually, when you think about it, calling someone is being lazy, and texting is harder. So what could be 10 to maybe 50 texts could be 5 minutes in a conversation.


And some people also text because they don't want people butting into their conversation, knowing what's their life, and maybe they just want to be quiet. And maybe someone's in class, and they want to talk to their friend.


I myself have an unlimited texting plan and I text alot, but I also call alot, too.



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What I don't get is how people text people who are IN THE EXACT SAME CLASSROOM.

I mean, seriously, can't it wait till after class?

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I know, I kinda started that whole thing. That's why I reported it (I guess after you already closed it?). Sarcasm led to more sarcasm led to...yeah.

Hey! :angry:


I stand by my opinions I said in the topic. Texting was invented so teenage girls could dump their boyfriends. Simple as that.


~~Hasta la Vista


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I know, I kinda started that whole thing. That's why I reported it (I guess after you already closed it?). Sarcasm led to more sarcasm led to...yeah.

Hey! :angry:


I stand by my opinions I said in the topic. Texting was invented so teenage girls could dump their boyfriends. Simple as that.


~~Hasta la Vista



No no no, I didn't mean that sarcasm meaning only you. I probably used sarcasm as much as you did, mate...And I agree with that statement. Even though I've seen guys use it more like that.

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I know, I kinda started that whole thing. That's why I reported it (I guess after you already closed it?). Sarcasm led to more sarcasm led to...yeah.

Hey! :angry:


I stand by my opinions I said in the topic. Texting was invented so teenage girls could dump their boyfriends. Simple as that.


~~Hasta la Vista


quoted for truth Terminator


i text a girl from another town all the time. I just dont do it during school (well, maybe study hall :P ) but usually i do it when i want to talk to her without waking my parents. And as many people have said, it's just easier to read a text than to call someone. Its just more convenient.


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