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Bleh >_<



So, like, school sucks.


Can you believe I have to go to school tomorrow? Oo

Yes, a Sunday. SUNDAY. (For some stupid cultural program, but still, man.)

I've been to school every single day of this week. >_<


But thankfully, Monday and Tuesday (HINT HINT) are holidays. *phew*


I just felt like letting out my frustration somewhere.. so yeah. Discuss and what-not. :P


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I always go to school on Sundays, though not on Fridays and Saturdays so it's k.


Dude that sucks even more. :P (No offence)


Every week you wake up on a Sunday to go to school.. I would die of unhappiness. =P

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I have a final today. :o


At least I'm not as bad as those college students who only scedual two days worth of classes...



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I always go to school on Sundays, though not on Fridays and Saturdays so it's k.


Dude that sucks even more. :P (No offence)


Every week you wake up on a Sunday to go to school.. I would die of unhappiness. =P

But never on Fridays or Saturdays. D= Five days a week isn't so bad.


Edit: also yes you offended me and i will never speak with you ever ever ever again!!!!!

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I'm glad I don't go to school LOL


Lucky enough too that we are on winter hours at work, so I get the weekends off when I am home.


Although, I do work 7 days a week at the violin shop here in Anchorage, but that kind of work is fun. :P


Ah well, think of it this way, once you get your education, you'll most likely get a job where you don't have to work on the weekends :P

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It does suck when you have to report to school on Sundays, I can't on Saturdays for my own reasons, so I get a lucky break every now and again there. The only times I have to go to school on a Sunday is if I was randomly stuck in some form of program, of which I have to get myself out of for some reason.


I get my Saturdays and Sundays to myself though, and am just awaiting the end of the year, so that everyday for me is like a Saturday or Sunday.

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I always go to school on Sundays, though not on Fridays and Saturdays so it's k.


Dude that sucks even more. :P (No offence)


Every week you wake up on a Sunday to go to school.. I would die of unhappiness. =P

But never on Fridays or Saturdays. D= Five days a week isn't so bad.


Edit: also yes you offended me and i will never speak with you ever ever ever again!!!!!

zeddeh the staff member offending other staff



hes going to get fried :wacko:


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I always go to school on Sundays, though not on Fridays and Saturdays so it's k.


Dude that sucks even more. :P (No offence)


Every week you wake up on a Sunday to go to school.. I would die of unhappiness. =P

But never on Fridays or Saturdays. D= Five days a week isn't so bad.


Edit: also yes you offended me and i will never speak with you ever ever ever again!!!!!

zeddeh the staff member offending other staff



hes going to get fried :wacko:


Who, TTN? He's no staffie. :P


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I always go to school on Sundays, though not on Fridays and Saturdays so it's k.


Dude that sucks even more. :P (No offence)


Every week you wake up on a Sunday to go to school.. I would die of unhappiness. =P

But never on Fridays or Saturdays. D= Five days a week isn't so bad.


Edit: also yes you offended me and i will never speak with you ever ever ever again!!!!!

zeddeh the staff member offending other staff



hes going to get fried :wacko:


Who, TTN? He's no staffie. :P

aaaagh you offended him again TTN is meh friend you know aagh.gif



he's a FA like you haha


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