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The 300 Word Rule



I suppose back when I first started writing MR it was actually of concern to me, but nowadays I find it hard to imagine that this could pose a problem to anyone. I find it hard staying under two thousand words for a chapter of a comedy. It just doesn't feel like enough room to tell the story segment fully. At this point, checking the word count is not, "Is it long enough?" it's, "Is it too long already?"


I dunno, just my thoughts on it... 'cuz I'll be writing, and I'll be like, "Okay, there's my little opening scene for the chapter," and I check and it's already 400 words and it's like, "whoa, and I'm just getting started." And descriptive passages aside, even, once I get into the flow of a dialog I could run on and on for hundreds of words.


So, when I'm excited about a project of mine I always talk on and on about it, so I'll take this opportunity to say I've finished the first three chapters of 52-Pickup, started the fourth. Chapters 1 and 2 are kind of slow, but I'm really happy with chapter 3, which is where the action and plot picks up, since I've had the time to establish myself and my characters. Plus it's when I've gotten back in the rhythm of writing a comedy, so I think the writing itself is better starting there.


I'll probably start posting it in the Comedies forum once the AC voting is over.


Just for interest, the word count so far (total) is around 7400.




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