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Game: Name That Member!



Contest Time! WooWee!


Intro: Long has my named confused people across BZP. They go "what does it stand for?" And I refuse to tell them. Is it because it's a really cool acronym that I'm keeping secret to spite you all, or is it just really random after all? (I always tend to lean towards the latter) But it has never before had a solid definition...


Until now.


Goal: Define the acronym XCCJ. That's right, using your skills of the English language and knowledge of words that start with the letters X, C, and J, enter a combination of words that can be shortened into my user name.


Example: One I teased Wrink with years ago was "eXtremely Cool Collecting Jackrabbits" which is not the true meaning of Xccj... but it would work! Now you can come up with your own, with some restrictions.



1: The words must be allowed on BZPower. Nothing that violates their rules and such.

2: Don't bother going to an acronym site and looking something up. (I've tried, found nothing). This has to be your own work.

3: You can only enter once, but if you want to slightly edit you entry mid-contest, I'll allow it.

4: I am banning further use of "jackrabbits," because I came up with it first and decided that I didn't like it.


Now you're thinking, "Okay, I can play around with some words and enter this, but what am I getting in return?


Prizes: I will take the winning entry and use it for my display name. Yes, that is right, I will violate my own beliefs and change my user name for the first time ever into whatever the winning entry is. (That further restricts the words that can be used to ones containing characters that can be in a display name. And also think about length, although I don't think there's a maximum length for user names... is there?)


Upon Bunda's assurance that there is a 26 character limit for names, I will hereby add this. If your combination of letters exceeds 26 characters (which it may well) please include a username version of your entry, using two or three of the words, which is 26 characters or less, and that will be the name i will use. So while "eXtremely Cool Collecting Jackrabbits" is actually 38 characters (including spaces) it could be shortened into "eXtreme Jackrabbit" at 18 characters and still be acceptable.


Voting: The entry period will be opened for a couple of weeks, or as long as I feel like it. The odds are it'll spam most of the rest of December. In the last couple of days of the year, I will create a poll for you to vote for your favorite entry. The number of polls and their restrictions will depend on the number of entries I receive. The one known restriction is that you can't vote for yourself.


And on January 1st of the new year, I will hereby change my name to the winning entry, and I will leave it that way for the whole month (or until I can change it back to xccj, which should be 15 days for an OBZPC).


Secondary Prize: Depending on the quality of the entries, I might create a content block that will list the entries in my blog for future visitations. But that depends mostly on you guys coming up with something really good.


Now do you want to reveal what Xccj truly stands for? Do you want to humiliate me with a crazy name for a month? Then get creative and enter today!!


I also reserve the right to cancel this contest if only couple of entries are received. Now enter before i change my mind...




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You know the epic meaning of this?



This is unbelievable.


Now let me think of a word that starts with x.


EDIT: Due date is Jan 1st?


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Bah, don't listen to those antiprogressive objectivists. Change your name to Xtreme Cat Catcher Jason. It's under 26 characters, yay!
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Xenophobic Crab Cake Jack

Xylophonists Come Carrying Jewels

X-Rated Carbon Carol Jones

Xerographers Could Calm Jackrabbits

Xenomania! Come Carson! Jump!

Xerxes Commissioned Carvings, Jacqueline?

Xylophagic Card Carrying Jokers



I'd probably be able to think of more . . . Most of these are probably too long. Pffftttt.

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