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How come every time I send you a PM you go offline and respond after half an hour? :huh:

I... uh... erm...


I'll tell you when you're older. ;)



*uses Occlumency to prevent Zeddy from obtaining the answer*




Tell me NAO NAO NAO!!!



*succumbs to the blunt-force trauma and passes out*


*Splashes cold water onto your face*

*You wake up, dazed and confused.*



Oh no! That wasn't water! It was Forgetfulness Juice!




Who are you?


No it wasn't, you liar! :o I'm drinking it, see?





Aha! You fell for it! While you blinked, I quickly poured a powerful sleeping potion into your water. Now you will fall into a 1000 year coma only to be awakened by six superpowered white blood cells who attempt to charge your heart to wake you back up again! Oh, and you may be taken over by an evil spirit, I hear that does happen from time to time.


You forgot that some suicidal cell will be blasted off into space from my ches-- *yawn* *thud*

*drops body onto an ocean planet. A piece of heart lining breaks off and ends up floating in the sea, some blood flows down and coagulates, forming a sort of Cord, and some seawater pours into the wound. Oh, and other stuff happens too...*


*Secret service cells are deployed to ward off evil viruses*

Oh cool! Some of your blood cells have spurted out of your mouth and they're living on your face!




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If that's how you staff communicate... I hope I never become staff. :fear:

Oh, that's just the beginning. :P

LOL, I must become staff!

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