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Exam Time.

Jedi Gali


Yeah, sure it's that time of year when families are putting up Christmas trees, little kids are waiting in line to see Santa at the malls, people are going caroling, and Christmas cheer fills the air.


But before that, there are exams. Y'know, those 100 question long tests to make sure you learned everything you were supposed to learn? Luckily for me, I'm exempting four, leaving me with four. It's not so bad, really. I don't find 'em hard at all. But what makes this time of year more hectic and stressful is everything thing that comes with exams. For one, exam reviews. The principle of reviewing material is good. But it's when teachers take it too far and say you have to do it no matter if you're taking the exam or not that it gets annoying. *Sighs* I'll live. If my brain doesn't explode from the overload of information, that is.


Other than that, I was disqualified from my in-class driving test today (for the license I probably won't get for five years or so). I was doing fine till it came to the backing in a straight line. For some reason, the car just drifted over and I'm too short to really notice. Maybe I'll retake it Friday.


Quick writing update. I posted at non-Bionicle story titled Who Cares? in CoT that I had written for my English class. It was supposed to be about a cultural misunderstanding and be at least a page long. For me, this was no assignment... it was fun! And Hallelujah there was no word limit... Mine was over six pages. Hope you enjoy.


:kaukau: -JG

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Exams sound horrible.

We don't really take exams, we just do a million tests on everything.

I just had a horrible test yesturday on Logic....... Part 2. We did the first part the Thursday before that.

I got my first test back, and I got an A! I got an 80/100, but then he did a curve score compared to how I did compared to everyone else, and I got 95/100, the third highest in our class. (I"m homeschooled for everything except Latin and Logic, which we do every Thursday.)

I know I did horrible on the second part. Every question somebody talked about after the test I got wrong. (I didn't tell them that though....)

Gosh, ok, sorry I'm rambling on.


I read your story, and posted a post. ( :P )


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