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A Very Deadly Christmas



New short-story-epic thingy a la Wrack's ~Anotharu Lifu~.


Part one


It was late in the evening that night at the north pole. The elves had finished loading the sleigh, you, Santa, were preparing to travel around the world to deliver this year's ultimate gift; Coal, to give Earth all that much more fuel.


As your climbing into the sleigh, you notice the reindeer, particularly Rudolph, who had been acting strange all month, are seeming uneasy. You wonder what's wrong with them, but enough seem well enough to pull the sleigh. As your about to depart, there's a high-pitched beeping. A beeping you recognize.


You jump out of the sleigh, which then explodes a few feet out of range of the reindeer. You land on your stomach and roll over behind a workbench as another painted egg with a fuse rolls on the workshop floor. "The Easter bunny. He's always been jealous of me, now he's here to finish me off. Not if I can help it..."


You glance around noticing various things on the shop floor. At the same time you hear more eggbombs rolling. What do you do?


A. Stay behind the shop bench and wait it out.

B. Grab the gun addressed to *insert political joke mocking the party you aren't of here*.

C. Throw the grenades back.

D. Get out of the eggbomb's ways.

E. Get the katana addressed to "Richard M. Stallman".


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