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Dude! Explain why of all the years it snowed, it had to be the one I moved away from LA. I lived there for years and never saw any, and then suddenly it decides to snow?


Grraagh. :wacko:

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(You people up north don't realize how big a deal snow is here.)

LOL. Here in PA, I've dealt with snowstorms and unplowed hills of death all my life. 5 car pileups were a common sight. Having to walk home as snow and hail turned my long hair into a (warm) ice helmet were even more common.


When my parents moved to Alabama, the sent me a newspaper clipping about a "snowstorm" they had there which led to dozens of accidents.


Lol... the pic showed a car in a ditch while the road had a SLIGHT dusting.


Pathetic! :lol:


The earth right now is in a cooling period. Global warming's officially OVER. Get used to this kind of thing. I suggest, if things really start to get wintery down there... find yourself an empty parking lot where the streetlamps are far apart.


Spend an hour doing donuts, feeling how the car reacts when you skid and do power drifts. Very valuable learning experience.

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Oh sure, it snows in New Orleans. What do we get in Shreveport? Jack squat.


Just a bunch of lightning, thunder, a tornado or two close by.



Louisiana weather is about as complex as Metaphysics. :wacko:

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