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#317 ~ Doing Good



I was reading through an old interview* (well, not that old) with Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn), and there was a quote that really struck me. I decided to share it with everyone:

“You’re, like, It feels like it’s either black or white. Either I’ll just, like, devote my life to trying to do good, or I’ll do nothing. But, there’s an in-between area. It doesn’t mean you should do everything, or can, as a citizen, or a family person, or a friend, or whatever. But, just do something. You’re on your honor. Basically, it’s your own conscience that will tell you are you doing quite enough to where you can feel okay about yourself, or are you not? Only you can answer that.” - Viggo Mortensen, October 2008


I don't think I've ever heard anyone put it quite so succinctly before. I know I often worry about how much I should be doing for others, and I suppose this gives the slap-in-the-face answer: I need to stop worrying an honestly ask myself. If I'm still concerned after that, I should probably do more. I don't want to go forming a credo out of one side comment during an interview, but still, I felt that there was wisdom in what he said, so I wanted to share.


(I also greatly respect Viggo Mortensen as an actor. If you watch the cast commentary for the special extended edition Lord of the Rings movies, you'll know what I mean. His fellow actors were impressed with and inspired by him.)


*I would give a link, too, but I couldn't find an appropriate one. This was in Chicago when Good was opening. (It's an awesome movie, by the way.)


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This is the primary moral that guides my life. :)

And to add to that, realize that only you can judge accurately whether you are doing enough -- sometimes people, even people you otherwise trust, will imply or say that you aren't doing enough, when they really don't know all the reasons that you factor into your choices. Doesn't mean we're incapable of making unwise choices, but it does mean that as long as we're being honest with ourselves, we're the best judges of our own actions, including when we are critical of ourselves, if you will.

Point being, don't let others get you down when they make poor judgements about you like that. Consider their advice honestly, but if you can clearly see that their advice is lacking the insight you have into why you do what you do, don't worry about it. In fact, many times it's best not even to worry about explaining it to them unless they first demonstrate that they are honestly willing to consider it, as that can take time away from just doing good. Better to do good than to explain to everybody all the time why, most of the time. :) Of course, that too is a judgement call only you can make.
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I can't stress enough how important that statement is, how clearly it describes the purpose of one being here, present in this world. I might be emphasizing but to me, what he's said is the biggest building block of life, the one that goes on the very, very top and makes the creation a masterpiece. The biggest piece, that will ruin the structure of life itself if removed from the its location at the very top. It's the priority of the human race.


I'm glad you found the quote. I can sit here all day and contemplate the meaning of it, but I won't reach a different conclusion. Brilliant quote. If you don't mind, I'd like to add that to my motivational quote collection, in my blog. ;)






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