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I called around to several stores the night of last, and found two stores that had the new iPods in stock. Target, who had three white 80GB's left, and Best Buy, who had everything. Naturally, I went to Best Buy. After waiting in a rather large line just to pick up the iPod, I had to wait in another even larger line to pay. Malls and shopping centers are always so hectic on weekends here. Anyways, I ended up with a brand new black 30GB iPod with video. $250 later, that is. But I really think it was worth very penny. If I didn't, I wouldn't have forked over that much. But I love iPods, and I wanted to stick with them, even after I filled the 2GB. I was going to venture out and buy something else, but then I heard that Apple just released new iPods. Great timing, if you ask me. And now I have this 2GB Nano sitting here, waiting to be dumped from full to empty and shipped to a worthy soul. Unfortunately for anyone who was actually interested in buying it, I'm sorry, but it's taken. Kind Sir KIE reserved it the night I announced it was up for grabs. Of course, if you want to go above his outragously high bid, then it's yours. ;)

Right now, I'm downloading a music video from iTunes. Just to test it out, and see how it works. Bought the video, Call Me When You're Sober by Evanescence. I held off on buying the single for this reason. Now, see, I left my computer on when I went to work, so the video can download. I was dismayed when I came home and saw that I was disconnected. That means I'll have to start the downloading process all over again. But when I went and pulled it up and restarted the download, it started from the point where it left off! Totally sweet feature of iTunes 7 -- especially for someone who uses dial-up like me.

Ah, yes. Dial-up. Used it for all five or so years that I've been using a computer. I am all too enthused to report that I'm going to be dropping dial-up entirely very soon. And no, this isn't depriving myself of the internet or suicide. Nice try. As soon as my father finishes up structual workings of the house addition, electrical is next. We know an electrician who lives on the next street over, and he's hooking us up. Quite literally. We're going to have a server, and some type of wireless internet to go along with it. Don't know anything for certain just yet. Most of the time, I'm at my mother's house, though. So this means when I'm there, I'll be stuck with dial-up. Not cool. So I finally decided to ask about upgrading to DSL. Now, my mom uses Netzero, and I use AOL [free trial version(s)]. She pays the $10 monthly fee, and I pay nothing. And she doesn't want to pay anything more than $10. So whats happening is that she will pay $10 of whatever the monthly bill is, and I'll have to pick up the rest. I plan on getting 384 Kbps DSL from BellSouth. Can't wait.


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Movin' on up, are we? Woo. Now maybe you'll stop complaining about your slow slow deathly-slow connection all the time. I will be expecting faster minioning. :P


Oh, and expect commentary on the new server tomorrow. Thought I wouldn't notice that?

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Movin' on up, are we? Woo. Now maybe you'll stop complaining about your slow slow deathly-slow connection all the time.

Then everyone wins!


You want my advice? Go cyborg. Best decision I ever made. In your case, you might wanna go cyclops/cyborg.

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Movin' on up, are we? Woo. Now maybe you'll stop complaining about your slow slow deathly-slow connection all the time. I will be expecting faster minioning. :P
Now he'll just complain about BZP's server... unless Bink has truly done it this time. ^_^


Of course, then what slow machine will he have to complain about? It's sad not to complain about some slow machine. :P


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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If you get a wireless network, be sure to password-encrypt it. Any one of your neighbors could leach on to your signal and use it for free. For them, of course. You'd be paying for their access. ;)


Password-encrypting it should do fine.


~ :kakamanu: ~

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