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Q For College Graduates



Okay, this entry is asking advice of those who have graduated from some university or college already. Advise from people starting college or thinking about it may be appreciated... but mostly just regarded, because you do not have the experience to truly answer the question. :P


Anyway, I am yet again disappointed with my grades, mostly because I'm taking the prerequisite weed-out classes; the classes they deliberately make extra hard to turn non die-hard students away from the subject. (In my case, it's math, physics classes).


Anyway, if you do poorly in these types of classes, is that truly a bad sign? Like "if you can't get the basics, there's no way you can handle the stuff higher up, so you might as well consider changing majors." Or is it more of a "everybody does bad at these classes and although the material becomes more advanced later down the road, it's easier to learn about because the classes become more focused."


I am having doubts as to if I can do will in an engineering degree, so I was just wondering if anybody else had advice that I could take into consideration. Because I've also read an article that was saying too many people waste a fortune going to college but really don't get anything out of it. If I really don't stand a chance at higher levels of engineering, should I think about switching my focus before I waste more money?


And, yeah, I'm also feeling kind of depressed lately, which is due to various things like this lingering cold, rainy weather, and other real-life downers...




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