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International Omi Day

Spoony Bard


Thats right. Forget all the Tahu and Pohatu days. This time, we will have an Omi day. It will be this Saturday, September 30. A good way to end the month and kick off another.


Here is how the day will work for you members. You will dedicate your avatar and/or banner to me. I don't care whats on it or in it. As long as it is for me, I don't care. :P


However, you will have to be like me as well on that day.


Here are some things you can do, to be me:


-Dress like me. Attire is basically shirt and jeans. Wear a shirt that has a funny saying on it. You must also wear a hat that is black!


-Eat like me. This includes the usual Reese's and Coca-Cola in your diet, and chinese food. Nothing else.


-Act like me. On second thought, leave that option to the pros, like me. :P


-You will play Final Fantasy games ALL day, while eating Reese's and drinking Coke. As you are playing, you will have Dane Cook in the background so you can listen to him.


You can do all of these, or at least ONE option. I will also need some sufficent valid proof that this happened. (like a picture)


And thats it. If you don't wanna be like me, then go decorate your profile with Tahu or Pohatu for the day. :P




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