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More Than Meets The Eye




Why am I showing you a picture of a grey cellphone? And why does it have so many weird lines going through it? Well, I'll tell you. That isn't any old ordinary cellphone. That cellphone can do this...


Ah yes, the Transformers are back...and if you though the Alternators/BinalTech series were cool. Just wait until you see what they have instore for Classics. Though I don't know the whole story behind this guy, I've heard rumors of him and others on various TF boards.

Digital Camera: Alt | Bot
PSP/GBMicro Hybrid: Alt | Bot

I hope these are TF. The source site on this one lists them along with other TF in the Classics line (including the remade Nerf Megatron). I for one will get at least one of them. Depending, of course, on how well they blend in with the real thing. But if Alternators were any indication, that shouldn't be a problem.


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Cambot for the win. Totally.

"Hey Megatron, I've got some incriminating photographs of you here..."

"Those had better not be pictures from the TF movie!"

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Cool TF thing there.

Although I'm not big into it, it's growing on me because we watched the original movie in Anime Club last year. ("In the year 2005..."---"Yeah, this happened last year")


I'm excited about the TF movie coming out, but how about you? (I'm sure you know more than me, but from the 15+ year old's I've talked to, everyone in Anime Club (at my school) seems excited)

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I'm excited about the TF movie coming out, but how about you?

I'm pumped for it. Though I don't like how some of the robots look, I'm more excited for the overall concept of a TF movie after all these years. I was born a bit late for the original movie (which is a classic of course).


Don't listen to some of those that get crazy about the flames on Optimus or Megs eye-color or what have you. Just remember that it's a TF movie. I'm going to it for the giant robots...really not much else ;)


Cambot for the win. Totally.

I'd go with that name on the MST3K reference alone.

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I thought this was going to be a TF post, and I'm right! And, ooh, I betcha it's one of the new Autobots in the 2007 movie. I'm psyched too, save that I've been hearing that the 'bots are going to look a little... technical?


But, cool finds!



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And I thought people with cellphones in the movie theaters wouldn't be quiet, but how do you handle when the cellphone itself won't be quiet? "Yeah, that's right, I saw this one: everything is as you'd expect. My big scene is coming up soon." :shrugs:


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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And I thought people with cellphones in the movie theaters wouldn't be quiet, but how do you handle when the cellphone itself won't be quiet? "Yeah, that's right, I saw this one: everything is as you'd expect. My big scene is coming up soon." :shrugs:


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

Lol, yeah. If you went to a TF movie.


That's just cool. I mean, who needs PDAs when you have transformable cell phones?!?


~ :kakamanu: ~

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My only concern is if mass-shifting would be in effect. Otherwise I can't imagine a cell-bot being of much use in battle. (Infiltration however...)

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