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Gabranth In Dissidia

Spoony Bard




So it was recently confirmed that Gabranth will be in Final Fantasy Dissidia, representing FFXII as a villain (hero, if any, still undecided).


As cool as this is, I was completely caught blindsided by this choice, since it wasn't who I was speculating that Squeenix would choose if FFXII was to be present. Going by the formula that Square Enix is using for choosing characters for Dissidia, I originally thought that Vayne would be chosen as the villain with Ashe as the hero opposing him. Here is why:


Square Enix is choosing characters who have the ability to change into something else in their respective game. This comes in handy for when the character goes into EX Mode (where their power increases) in Dissidia. Vayne has two forms he could use this with, that being Vayne Novus or the Undying. Ashe of course is the hero of FFXII, since the game is all about her (out of all the protagonists, she is the first to be seen), since the start of the game until the end of it. Her abilities of course would be her Quickenings and her EX Mode using either Treaty Blade or Sword of Kings with Maelstrom Bolt as her EX Burst.


Now the arguments with Gabranth being the choice are as follows:


- He is the logo of the game.

- He is the the main antagonist you see all the time.

- He is awesome.


Well lets see.


Kain is the logo for FFIV, and believe it or not, he isn't the main protagonist of FFIV. Yuna is the logo for FFX, and believe it or not, she is also not the main protagonist of FFX. So being the logo for a game doesn't merit status for Dissidia.


In FFVIII, what antagonist do you see all the time getting in your way? Seifer of course, along with Edea. Yeah they were just puppets, but so was Golbez in FFIV (and he is in Dissidia). Seifer has the closest relation to Squall than Ulimecia does. Oh well.


And being awesome really? Balthier is realllly awesome, but he isn't going to make the cut (and with Gabranth as villain, Balthier isn't a likely choice as a hero).


Well either way, now that Gabranth is representing FFXII, people are saying "this means Basch is the opposing hero!! woohoo!!". Basch isn't the main protagonist. Yeah he has the biggest connection to Gabranth, but so does Ashe. And we need more women in the game.


Also we don't need anymore armored guys. 3 is enough. You'd think that Squeenix would get original.




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