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Me? Reading A Book?



I never particularly liked books... maybe back when I was in elementary lol.

Books are usually terribly boring.

You read 100 pages in only to find either the author is actually a numbskull or that the book is clearly not getting any better.

Visual and audio media is always SO much faster. When something sucks, you haven't wasted a whole day on it.


Well, I found a book that has me stuck to it.

Better yet, it's online and free, as the author is just trying to spread knowledge and common sense as a balance to all the corruption and repression perpetrated against, well, pretty much most of humanity.


The book is Earth's Forbidden Secrets by Maxwell Igan


Long story short, he gives examples (accompanied by pictures) of things that have been unearthed which TOTALLY blow human history as we know it into the water.

Stuff like 500,000 year old rocks with man-made items embedded inside them, maps that have latitude and longitude LOOOOONG before such things were supposed to exist...


He goes into how the creation of the pyramids have been credited to people that were known in the news back then to be false... yet due to politics in the scientific community, lies have become something fiercely defended.


There's even rocks shown with accurate depictions of the continents, people riding giant birds and dinosaurs (at a time when man wasn't supposed to KNOW about dinosaurs).


Even more, in some places of the world you have dinosaur bones... but then a few feet UNDER them you have... cobblestone roads?


WHAT? Roads UNDER dinosaur fossils? lol


You have fossilized human remains before man was supposedly present.


You have a fossilized shoe print (no, not a footprint, a SHOE print) that has apparently STEPPED on a living trilobite at the time.


Here's a fun one... we ALREADY know and science has accepted that the Egyptians had made batteries, jars filled with specific acids and metal columns... but what for?


Ah, well they needed light inside the dark pyramids, did they not?

Well, what the heck do you think those big, giant glass-lookin' tubes found on hieroglyphics are?!? I mean heck, they even depict wires running over to the batteries lol!




Right... so much of what we're taught about human history seems to be false.


But why would scientists not want to get to the "truth" of our world? Isn't that what science is about?

Well yes, it is. And yes, some scientists DO want to investigate things further.


But scientists are people too. Just as there's corruption in every human institution, the scientific academia is no exception.

People whose entire careers, their entire schools, their entire museums that is their livelihood... don't like change.

It automatically invalidates who and what they've studied to be, mostly.


Maybe there's even crazier reasons... like people in high places CAN'T let people know the truth about our history or they lose power.


In any case, it's dang good reading, despite spelling mistakes I pick up where you can tell the author is getting into what he's talking about.

And really, only being 1/3 of the way through, it's CLEAR that a lot of what we're taught in textbooks about who we are and where we came from (and possibly where we're going) is quite a bit of poopoo.


So yeah... I'll be off a day or two from here digesting all this. It's actually THAT exciting.


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It's always the question of would one rather live happily in harmless lies or live in sorrow knowing the ugly truth.





The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

-HP Lovecraft

You want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

-Jack Nicholson

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whether it's fear of being labeled a tin-foil hat wearer,

One can't worry about junk like that. How much stuff gets deep-sixed because people are worried they might be ostracized? There's TONS of different "fringe" things out there, tons of real ones, tons of fake ones (and tons of fake ones to hide real ones)... but it all must be approached head-on.


or just plain not caring to mix the worlds.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I tried to not get into things on here that I have on other, non-toy sites... but that's a chore.

I mean, if you have blog entries where some kid's talking about some play they're in at school, or about some crazy dark stuff going on in their home life, or someone talking about how they found out what love is finally, or more mature members (not that the last ones weren't mature) talking about what it's like at their job... then it's kind of silly to not talk about what I know about this world too.


No joke, I've seen a lot of crazy things. I HAVE seen ghosts. As nice verification, while others were present, able to describe things before I said a word.

My cousin and I HAVE on more than one occasion run around inside each other's dream (nightmare), simultaneously, though living blocks away. The abstract details she / we described proving beyond a doubt it's validity.

I HAVE remotely seen things as they were happening elsewhere simultaneously, verified.

I HAVE remotely heard things as they were happening elsewhere simultaneously, verified.

On a similar note, I've also remotely shared pain as it was happening to someone else, followed by realizing it wasn't actually me, followed then by seeing outside where I was, right out of the building, looking over the building like 30 feet in the air, able to look in the direction it was coming from before getting slammed back to where I should be... later verified by a worried, crying IM box the second I stepped through the door at home.


Etc, etc, etc... hiding things is a sucky thing to do to the rest of the world.

What's good about acquiring knowledge or first-hand life experience if only you benefit?

Why does every person who bumps into the stranger things of the world have to go it alone just because everyone else who knows what they're going through decided to not be embarrassed in their little circle?


And if I can be a hypocrite, there ARE things now that I think about it, personal experiences of a strange nature, that I DO want to hide lol. I have good reasons though, trust me. :psychotwitch:


You want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!



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Oh. My gosh. I THRIVE on this kind of stuff! *digs through and downloads with zeal*


I found the part about birds on a cliff face interesting.

An explorer described them bringing leaves, mashing them on the rock... then returning some time later in which the rock had turned soft, at which point they pecked nests into it.

Yes, I read about this in a book I got from the library this past year - he wrote how the ancient peoples had apparently harvested this plant and used whatever it excreted to literally soften (or, semi-melt) the rocks. They then placed them together and they would harden together again. Instant wall or building.


Reportedly, some scientists actually found a jar of the stuff and tried to force a native to drink it, but the guy struggled, and the jar was dropped and it shattered. The stone floor under it softened and later, hardened again. But they never got to save a sample. :(


The book's a bit aged, but I think you'd like it. I sucked it down. *racks brain for title* Everything in his book is factual, I believe, from scientific sources - and I want to say it had tons of references but I don't remember. I know that The Puzzle Of Ancient Man by Donald E. Chittick had a zillion references. It's also an amazing book. Actually, that's how I found the book I'm talking about!


... ah-HA! Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds by Charles Berlitz (1972).




Nat'l Pride sucks.


~ My History professor loves toting the fact that the Sumerians invented the most useful, longstanding innovation of all: The Bureaucrat.

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Reportedly, some scientists actually found a jar of the stuff and tried to force a native to drink it, but the guy struggled, and the jar was dropped and it shattered. The stone floor under it softened and later, hardened again. But they never got to save a sample.


That episode was mentioned in this book as well.


At first he was like, "We have to find these plants before the rampant logging there tramples our hopes...", but as he then pointed out, finding the plant is no longer truly a desperate, timed priority as a scientist recently figured out a concoction on his own that does the same thing!


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The thing is, every time you say a scientist is banned from studying because he/she found something their country didn't like, you really should put it in quotes. 'Cause even if you saw it yourself, you could be living in a Matrix, or it could have been faked with actors, or holograms that've been hidden from public knowledge.


I WANT people to search for things to discredit. Making people go out and think, observe, connect... it's beautiful.

But don't just look at what you're taught as "normal", then look at what I'm discovering and say that's "abnormal".

That is in a way "evil".


So you think you'll be labeled as a conspiracy theorist or something.


Well, you're not getting off that easy. =P


If you choose a side, you need to be able to back it up. If you say "the big guys" are lying, you need to prove "the other guys" aren't.


If you want people to doubt what they're told, you can't expect them to believe what you tell them just because you doubt "The System."


Hey, you want people to find stuff to discredit? Well, that stuff includes you, my friend. =)


I love these conversations. I believe I share a similar opinion with you, about not believing something just because the source is "credible." Thing is, we've grown with different opinions about things we think we can be sure of. So obviously we're going to clash. =)

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'Cause even if you saw it yourself, you could be living in a Matrix, or it could have been faked with actors, or holograms that've been hidden from public knowledge.

Bah... but then you bring up the concept of, "What if we're all just brains sitting in vats in some lab" or "What if we're just someone's dream" type areas.


Reality as we know it COULD be nonsense for all we know, but with little exception you've at least GOT to pretend reality is as it initially seems.


And certainly things are faked, planted and manufactured. I've seen such things firsthand back in 2001 (doubt I need to say in any detailed way what world-changing event I'm referencing) due to the nature of the job I had back then... being in the right place at the right (wrong?) time.


I believe I share a similar opinion with you, about not believing something just because the source is "credible."


If you want people to doubt what they're told, you can't expect them to believe what you tell them just because you doubt "The System."

You're right that if you're choosing a side that you must analyze BOTH sides... but the things I've referenced here, like many of these artifacts... these ARE physical objects that HAVE been in museums that HAVE been well documented and HAVE been packed away instead of studied... or, clearly gone missing.


With not too deep a search you CAN see the research from the team in Giza and you CAN find the documentation by the Egyptian government to discredit them not on the data, but through unrelated means... followed by documentation of them being banned from Giza.


Same with the Maori debacle. You CAN find the documentation that artifacts went missing, that the Maori DID cause an uproar and that the government DID place a 75 year ban on studying the forest.


With the Chinese story, with the European mummies... well, how would one even go about proving that one of the Chinese scientists present took the pottery shard with a scathing thumbprint away... unless one were to have covertly caught the event on videotape. However, it does jive in favor of the non-Chinese, for such dominant, oppressive things are not what one would consider "odd" in the present company.


What would have been the point in lying? Think about this a moment...

This scientist...

Who found a major discovery in China...

Who almost certainly wants to REMAIN studying it due to it's historical magnitude...


...is going to whiz off the Chinese by concocting a fake story of them being bullies?


If his motive were to discredit them, wouldn't it have been smart to say something more sided than "MAYBE the fingerprint would have been able to tell whether the pottery was European or Chinese"?


One has a motive for being bad, one does not.


Now I'm going back to what I first said... you wish to place the burden of proof more on the side of the guy crying foul than on what the establishment says.

The person crying foul apparently must not just report a crime, they apparently must have had the foresight to know when, where and how it was going to happen AND apparently have time to set up an elaborate recording schedule.


Like, what you're saying is if a bully on the schoolyard steals 5 bucks out of your pocket, everything is going to be a stalemate where they get away with it... for the victim will likely NEVER be able to prove it ever took place.


A little guy going up an institution will NEVER be able to win unless, as said, they had so much foresight that the event would seem manufactured by them OR... people just have to believe some people now and then who seem sincere while versus an enemy who has had prior complaints.


Speaking of "prior complaints" and "credible sources"... you realize that pretty much ALL the news in the western world (and far beyond) comes from just TWO companies, the Associated Press and Reuters?

You do also realize at least one of these was caught SO red-handed doctoring photos to make a situation in a certain part of the world look more barbaric than it was that even they were forced to tattle on themselves from public outcry?

Likewise, that both "news" services habitually place entirely false photographs inside completely unrelated stories without telling people?


Then, if you're REALLY bored... why don't you then go out and do some searches to find out who owns these 2 news companies. Might be fun for ya'. ;)

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I'm not going to act like I don't know my news is biased.


But what good does it do me to know?


Keep the knowledge until you need it (if there's ever a foreseeable time when this could help you in some way), and gather proof if you like. But you have to have proof that's powerful enough to convince anyone. Stuff that's so undeniable that The Establishment's followers have to stop and think.


And I could say there's someone controlling what happens on the Internet, that place where you supposedly get unbiased news.


Who's to say you even exist?


Why am I arguing with someone who might just be an illusion to keep me stuck in this lie?

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And I could say there's someone controlling what happens on the Internet, that place where you supposedly get unbiased news.

Absolutely I'd say there is. However junk / fake news mixed in with stuff that's large, yet can not be stopped.


If you wanted a certain gumball because it was one of those yummy ones with Nerds candy inside, a good way for someone to trip you up from getting it would be to toss a bunch of identical looking but hollow ones onto...


...y'know what?


I'm way too tired to make ANY freaking sense, humorously or otherwise.


G'night. lol

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