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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 7-8



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The seventh article proposed by Toa_Ausar & Toa Zahaku is as follows:

Toa_Ausar & Toa Zahaku hereby proposes that the Kanohi worn by Toa Sah Cyhuku be a Great Mask of Mimicry, similar to that worn by Toa Hagah Pouks.


In the interest of continuity Toa_Ausar suggests that it be considered a Kanohi Zaethos, Great Mask of Mimicry, like the one worn by Erebus Nuva, only of standard (non-Nuva) power levels until such time as a Canon name for the Great Mask of Mimicry is revealed.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighth article proposed by Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness is as follows:

Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness hereby proposes that his character Toa Artakha Erebus Nuva be the bearer of the sole Kanohi Zaethos Nuva, Great Nuva Mask of Mimicry and that it be considered a one of a kind mask within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe", like the Kraahkan, Avohkii, Ignika, etc.


This would mean that we would all agree that at no time would another Zaethos Nuva come into existence in any of our future storylines, be they present events, flashbacks, or otherwise.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of this joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on both articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PDT (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday December 22nd, 2008 provided that at least 3/4 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, all verified members will be notified of the results via PM as well as when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the formation of C.I.R.C.L.E. and what that entails.




UPDATE: Article 7 has been defeated with a total of "SEVEN NAY VOTES TO ONE AYE VOTE",

meanwhile Article 8 failed to pass due to an "UNBROKEN TIE VOTE" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Nay. The Kanohi Zaethos worn by myself should not be replicated. This could jeapordize the entire universe if a Legendary mask power were duplicated. Pouks "wears a mask which allows him to analyze and copy a being's powers, although it happens at a slow rate." This leads me to believe that Pouks can only replicate a beings natural powers, such as Botar's teleportation, a Makuta's Kraata Powers, or The Shadowed Ones Eye Beams.


The Kanohi Zaethos allows its user to only duplicate a being's mask power, and it happens at a fast rate, whether Nuva or not. And because the only Kanohi has become Nuva, it amplifies the copied powers to Kanohi Nuva Level. When I arrived at Artakha my master turned the Noble version to Great, than Nuva. If another mask was to come into existance and its powers used in the wrong hands it could send the entire universe into chaos.


Aye to the second for the above reason. I believe that Pouks mask should be named something besides Zaethos.

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CIRCLE ruling-



Article 7:

Nay, on the grounds stated by fellow partner Toa Erebus Nuva.


Article 4:

Aye, once more on the grounds stated by fellow partner Toa Erebus Nuva



-zee :tohu:

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1st article- Nay. The idea that it is a version of Toa pouks kanohi is something ill go with.We should come up with another name, ill pm you later about this ausar

2nd article-Nay

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Nice argument against Article 7, Erebus Nuva, I concur.


My argument against Article 8 is short and simple.


I really don't believe that the mask power we created for the Zaethos rises to the level of Legendary and therefore need not be considered one of a kind.


Therefore I vote "NAY" on both Articles.

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No it isnt legendary but it has the ability to copy and raise legendary powers to new levels. So we all know that the Vahi is extremely powerful, but if the Zaethos copied the Vahi, than its power would increase to such a level that the timestream would never be the same. I don't think the Zaethos should be a mask used by other characters. I want it to be like the Olisi, the Mask of Creation, the Avohkii, and the Kraahkan.


For Pouks mask I think we should call it the mask of Power duplication

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I wholeheartedly agree with Ausar on both articles. Sorry, Erebus and Zahaku, but I vote Nay on them. Even the Mask of Nature can't be considered a Legendary Mask, and it's got huge amounts of power at that! :unsure:



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Let me once again say that in my view the Zaethos is certainly not a one-of-a-kind Kanohi.


Ask yourself, is it as vital to the cause of good as the Avohkii, or does it strike fear in the hearts of heroes like the Kraahkan, how about is it as dangerous as the Vahi, or as overpowering as the Ignika? Does it even come close to any of those four?


The Mask of Mimicry is just another Kanohi with a neat power, just like the rest.


I'm not trying to be mean, or infringe on Erebus Nuva's story, honestly I don't think that any of us should add more Zaethos to our storylines, on the contrary, I'm just saying that I haven't heard a reason why the craftsman of Artakha couldn't forge another Zaethos? Oh, and because they don't want to do so isn't a reason even on moral grounds.


Remember, the Vahi required the Great Disks and therefore without another set of Great Disks it cannot be reforged. The Ignika was made by the Great Beings and thus cannon be reforged by anyone in the Matoran Universe.


Anyway, once again I urge everyone to vote "NAY" on C.I.R.C.L.E. Article 8.

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Think about it. Why is there only one Olisi, It isnt a legendary mask but it is one of a kind.

Same goes for the mask of Creation. Only one of both masks exist in the bionicle universe. I want the Zaethos to be a mask like these. .


If the Mask of Mimicry doesnt amplify legendary powers or come close to that scale than I would like to make a new argument.


If it were to copy the power of the Vahi, than the timestream would be brought disrupted. It may start out that nobody notices any changes but after awhile the very timestream could be disrupted. Why? Because Toa cannot control the power of time. It is too strong.


Life is the same way. Just look at what happened to the Great Being who wore the mask.


Im not asking you to make it a legendary Kanohi.Therefore I would like to keep the Zaethos a one of a kind Kanohi like the Olisi and Mask of Creation

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I'm not saying that there will be more Zaethos, only that there is no reason that another Zaethos couldn't come into existence.


Also, you further my point because the Olisi and the Great Mask of Creation were forged by the Great Beings, not a craftsmen on Artakha.


Furthermore, there could be more of either of those two masks, it would merely require that the Great Beings chose to forge another one for one reason or another.

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id like to point out, that i only proposed the part of his mask being a version of toa pouks, then Ausar continued the idea about being a Kanohi Zaethos


We could make it that the Kanohi Zaethos has a limit of the power it can mimic, so it cannot mimic too powerful powers such as life and time.

I think this would make it a little less powerful so it doesnt need to be a one of a kind.

Please consider this


Toa Zahaku

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Okay how about this? There can be more than one Kanohi Zaethos. However there is currently only one in the universe. They can only be made in Artakha because of it's unique resources. Artakha does not plan on making more.
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Erebus Nuva basically that's exactly what I was thinking and I certainly don't think we need to limit the power we've given it.


I'm even willing to take it a step further and agree to not consider using a character with a Zaethos in my future storyline, other than you of course, without first discussing it with you via PM and/or here in "The C.I.R.C.L.E.".

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Article 7 has been defeated with a total of "SEVEN NAY VOTES TO ONE AYE VOTE".

Article 8 has failed to pass due to an "UNBROKEN TIE VOTE".

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This blog entry is now closed to further comments.
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