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Weekly Update - 12/19

Black Six



It is time for yet another Weekly Update. Come check out what we have to discuss.



Probably the biggest news this week is the the 2009 sets have been spotted across the United States and elsewhere. So if you've been eagerly waiting for next year's sets (and seriously, who hasn't?) get checking at your local Target, Toys 'R' Us, or other fine retailer. Just try not to get trampled by the holiday crowds.


And of course, with 2009 sets appearing that means it's time for 2009 set reviews. The firs one went up today; check out Toaraga's review of Skrall. Keep checking the front page for another review this weekend and more to come in the future!


Another headline was that LEGO has announced that a LEGOLand theme park will be coming to Malaysia. This is the first one outside of Europe and North America, and hopefully there are many fans that will love being close to such an attraction.


LEGO also put out a request for ideas for new play themes for future toy lineups. I've already got over 60 suggestions, but if you have something you think would be great feel free to PM me.


Last weekend, I introduced a new feature to the board, Twitter Integration. Check out my other blog entry to find out more about Twitter and how it can be used on BZPower. Sending Tweets is a lot of fun, and can almost be addicting. So check it out and sign up if you want!


Finally, because I can, check out RPG Contest #12. Thre's only a few more days to submit entries!



No questions this week. Send some in if you want them answered!


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Wow, this was a pretty big update this week. I figured things would be slowing down with the holidays upon us but I guess not. Anyway, thanks everyone for reading and as always please leave comments and feedback. Thanks!


Recommended Comments

Nice stuff! :) I'm liking the set review, looks like a good set. Skrall's shield is one of the pieces I really need for my next MOC, so we might be getting that one soon. :P


Nice update. :)



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