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Ubiquitous Absense

ToM Dracone


Since part of the point of a blog is to provide updates on one's life ...


I've been absent from a lot of things for the past few days. Saturday and Sunday were spent playing the VNOLG at length (Yes, the L is staying in there; I can justify it!), which is highly addictive and left me with a lot less time on BZP than usual. Sunday evening, I began to come down with a cold. Not altogether surprising, given that a host of people with whom I have class have been sick. Scratchy throat (swallowing and coughing and yawning were painful), somewhat runny nose, not too drastic.


Monday I made a valiant attempt at going to school. It wasn't too bad at first, since I managed to stay awake and pay attention (with accompaniment of sniffs and coughs) through Biology. I survived through History to take the quiz and get assignment sheets and notes, after which I went to the nurse. It transpired that I had a fever of 99?, which isn't terrible, but the rest of me felt terrible. My voice was something of a croak and I felt generally awful. So I went home shortly thereafter (around noon) and spent most of the afternoon sleeping, punctuated around 2:30 by lunch, and when not sleeping lying on the couch half-awake. Hence my absense from BZP except for a brief interlude in the evening.


Today I didn't even try going to school. I felt okay when I woke up (apart from my voice, which was still raspy and faint), but shortly thereafter began to feel sick again. The morning was spent lying on the couch reading The Fellowship of the Ring with all the symptoms of a bad cold, although better than yesterday. After noon, I progressively began to feel better. Even my voice is mostly back to normal, although I still have a runny nose and slight headache. I'm still tired, but I've been up and about (and doing homework) for a few hours.


On the note of homework, the only reason I hate missing school is that I am going to die from missing two days of Advanced Algebra (which I have 8th period and subsequently missed yesterday). The class goes so fast I can sometimes barely keep up when I'm taking notes, so I can only hope I can catch up sufficiently. Everything else isn't nearly so bad, and I was quite pleased yesterday to learn that I got an A+ on my Biology test, which I was highly nervous about despite it being a lot easier than the Juniors made it out to be ...


... I'll leave you guys to debate whether or not this title contradicts itself. *sniff*

– ToM


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*lounge singer croon* Get up, come on get down with the sickness!




Illness is so much fun. My sister and parents both got something rotton. I feel fine, never been better, but it's only a matter of time.

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