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Neccy's Omi-necro Theory



Alright, a couple people have drawn comparisons between me and Omi via AIM. Some even call me a clone of him. After thinking it over, I believe the similarities between him and I happened as such;


25 years ago in 1984, a group of scientists reached a conclusion while listening to Van Halen when drunk. They realized that the only way for the human race to continue it's advancement was to create an ultimate human being formed from the best genetics of the best human beings alive at the time. After two years of intense collecting of sed DNA, in ways both mentionable and not mentionable on BZP, they began another two-year process, selecting the finest DNA that would contribute to their main concerns; build a better human purely or function, nothing else. They named this project "Project Omicron", which due to his namesake, I assume our fair Omi remembers.


Unfortunately for the scientists, even at two years old, Omi was too awesome to be contained, and escaped, fleeing to his current residence in Massachusetts, where, due to the combination of awesomeness and perfection, he has managed to develop the things excluded from him. The scientists started again, this time removing most of the awesomeness and focusing purely on function. The result of this was another creation in 1991, which currently bears the name Mark, a creation made as a warrior, complete with bloodlust and skill in unarmed fighting and armed fighting.


This project was abandoned in mid-1992 though, when, after hearing Nirvana before being prepared to hear the messages of grunge, the experiment developed self-loathe, which it still bears to this day. A third attempt was done, this time isolating the genes that caused the self-loathing in reaction to grunge, restoring part of the awesomeness to balance it out(though not as much as Project Omicron had), and removed a decent amount of spite from it(though not completely). Based on my observations of the previous creation, this one was also given increased intelligence. Finally, making sure it would be protected from the strangeness of the 1990's instead of following the previous project's path by sealing the genetics in half the formula, instead using a real human as the other half, namely my own mother. This also introduced some of the "unneeded" abilities and feelings back into the project. Later in 1993 I was born.


So yes, Omi is the pinnacle of the human race, the self-loathing and bloodlusting Mark is the human race's perfected warrior, and I am unconfirmed as far as I know. For all I know I'm just as much a failed experiment as the other two and there are a couple later-generation projects walking around somewhere. It can be no coincidence I have met two people I am this similar to though. This association with this experiment technically makes me and Omi related though, so there's your explanation on how we agree on as much as we don't.


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I am going to be completely honest with you. You are not like me. You don't talk like me. You don't drink like me. You don't dress like me. You don't share the same tastes like me.


You are not an Omi.



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1. That was part of what explains the bloodlusting warrior.

2. It was a joke, I typed it when I was half-asleep in Word, I thought I'd share it in case anyone else found it entertaining.

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1. That was part of what explains the bloodlusting warrior.

I'm not a bloodlusting warrior. I take offense to that.




...The 1991 experiment, not you. ><

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