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that's wrong! all pain and no gain.


I mean, if you have to live in that sort of weather, at least get some beautiful snow out of it!!! :rolleyes:


come to Texas. it's only 20 degrees where I live, and no windchill. AND NO ICE!! :lol:

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Yeah, I know... >.>



It actually isn't too painful as long as you are wearing a light down-stuffed vest under a heavy down-stuffed coat, as I was.



And for some reason, the inside of my knuckles ache and get itchy whenever exposed to the cold... It's weird...



At least that night is over with.





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Welcome to the club in the UK it seems Nature likes to taunt us by giving us severe cold and ice which lead me to slipping and cutting my hand yet it seems to never snow it seems it prefers to send down hailstones...very sharp hailstones.



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And for some reason, the inside of my knuckles ache and get itchy whenever exposed to the cold... It's weird...


Not sure about the itchiness, but the reason that your knuckles ache is because in the heavy cold, blood leaves your extremities to protect your vital organs (heart, lungs and stuff). So no blood in your hands or feet, and they become stiff. Same thing with your jaw (don't know if the cold does that to you, but a whole lot of people get sore jaws in the cold)


I actually love the cold. Anything over 70 degrees is uncomfortable to me, and I would prefer something like 35-30. But without snow, that is a real bummer. I love the snow more then anything (except maybe for an overcast, foggy day on a rocky, northern beach). I know that I am weird...


IIIII'm mister white Christmas! I'm mister snow! IIIII'm mister icicle! I'm mister 10 below! Friends call me Snow Miser! Whatever I touch! Turns to snow in my clutch! Da, da, da! IIIII'm too much!


Anyway, I really do hope that you get some snow. Here in southern Cal, it actually snowed a decent bit (up in the hills where I am at least) but it has almost all melted. Christmas needs snow. It is mandatory.

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*shares your fate*


There is nothing here...-.- We had a little bit of snow two weeks back (see me blog) but nothing since then >_< *joins Kallistas prayer*

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