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Something I tend to do on my birthday is shave my head because I can (I do what I must because I can). Yes, my birthday is in winter (in the US), and the temperature outside can be (and currently is) really cold, but I don't care. Now you might be like other people and think I'm crazy to do such a thing rather than wait for summer, but that is where you are wrong. In truth, it is smarter to shave in the winter than in the summer.


"How so?" You ask.


Think about these few things.


First, when your hair gets wet, the cold is more noticeable until your hair dries, what with the dripping water and all. No hair means a quicker dry.


Second, hair on the head doesn't necessarily keep you warm anyway; after all, people both with and without hair on their heads get cold, so they just put on a hat. That's no big deal... besides, it's my ears I have to worry about, and hair does nothing to protect the inside.


Third, summer is not really a good time to have little or no hair because hair provides shade and helps prevent sunburning.


Besides all that, hair grows back.


Maybe I have onto something these past few years after all. :D


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


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