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Come With Me On A Roller Coaster Ride... Or Not!



I now have a dream to ride every roller coaster known to man, two known to monkeys, and one known to a Tibetan grasshopper named Carl. Okay, I made that last part up... the grasshopper's named Steve; Carl is his cricket friend.


Anyway, as you know if you've been paying attention, I live in Texas, home of the original Six Flags: each representing a country who has "ruled" over my state: Spain, France, Mexico, US, Confederacy, and Texas. (Yes, we were our own country once.)


But I'm not writing a history lesson: I'm writing about something that's happening at Six Flags Over Texas; it's an annual event called "Fright Fest." Though when my family and I went, it was about as comparable to a dog's barking at night: more annoying than frightening. Those haunted houses were a joke, at any rate. But I digress.


This year, they're doing something different, a promotion that I dare say is GROSS. To get to ride the Titan (probably the best coaster I've ridden on) ahead of the lines, one can eat a Madagascar cockroach. (I don't care how sterile the environment is or what they feed it, that's just "EWW!") Wouldn't that be like eating a lot before going on a ride: you can do it, but it's not recommended. Frankly, if I had a list of things I would never do to get onto a roller coaster, something like this would be at the top. The only time I've ever had an insect was when I swallowed a gnat, and believe me, that wasn't intentional.


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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Oh man, your favorite ride and you get grossed out, tisk, tisk. I hate it when that happens. Oh and just to let you all know Madagascar Cockroahes are the bigest roaches known to man. And I HATE those kinds of bugs. DIE!
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Well, they ain't so bad... As long as they died of natural causes. Anyways, because it's you, I suggest taking along a chocolate roach, and quickly switching them :)

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I've eaten grasshoppers. They ain't all that bad. Kinda crunchy, pretty meaty. Good times.


Interesting, since I'd have far more reservations about the actual roller coaster than about the cockroach. I have acrophobia out the wazoo.

Either way, I think that Texas should've remained its own state. As should've California. Since California's flag has got a big ol' bear on it for no particular reason.

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Anyways, because it's you, I suggest taking along a chocolate roach, and quickly switching them :)
Lol, I'm not exactly going anytime in the foreseeable future. I just thought it was something interesting but gross at the same time: one of those things that repulses yet draws attention at the same time. I'm ironic that way. :P


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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