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Well I see we have a debacle in the BBC 51 voting. Disqualified entries popping up everywhere. All I can say is the fun-factor of these contests is on the decline. I lost votes due to this garbage, some people I used to respect, I no longer do.


Sad times people, you know who you are and what you did. And sooner or later, so will everyone else.


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I see only one entry DQed from this, there's more? o.O

[-The Alchemyst-]
Not that there's more that have been DQ'd, but there are plenty of people who have broken the rules (so far I've reported at least two people [others have been reported, too]). I truly feel sorry for the BBC staff who have to put up with this stuff.


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I see only one entry DQed from this, there's more? o.O


Shame it's come to this, shouldn't Voting be entirely redone then?


[-The Alchemyst-]


In a perfect world, yes. However, it will not be.


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Well that sucks.


Not even Semis will be redone?

Why not Than? D:

We had a BBC contest canceled before, so why not a recount?


Well, seeing that I'm not popular enough to be emailed/PMed for votes, I don't know if I should be happy or angry. :P


[-The Alchemyst-]

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I've seen a few things that should have been disqualified end up in voting... but they should have been disqualified for mutliple MOCs/editing/whatever. What you're talking about sounds more like the person actually cheated. Care to enlighten us?

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I've seen a few things that should have been disqualified end up in voting... but they should have been disqualified for mutliple MOCs/editing/whatever. What you're talking about sounds more like the person actually cheated. Care to enlighten us?




Haven't you heard of people mass PMing to get votes? Some have done that, it appears. One has already been disqualified.


Plus, I'm sure there's more people too.


A sad thing, isn't it?

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I've seen a few things that should have been disqualified end up in voting... but they should have been disqualified for mutliple MOCs/editing/whatever. What you're talking about sounds more like the person actually cheated. Care to enlighten us?




Haven't you heard of people mass PMing to get votes? Some have done that, it appears. One has already been disqualified.


Plus, I'm sure there's more people too.


A sad thing, isn't it?

Did I imply I haven't heard of mass PMing?





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I've seen a few things that should have been disqualified end up in voting... but they should have been disqualified for mutliple MOCs/editing/whatever. What you're talking about sounds more like the person actually cheated. Care to enlighten us?




Haven't you heard of people mass PMing to get votes? Some have done that, it appears. One has already been disqualified.


Plus, I'm sure there's more people too.


A sad thing, isn't it?

Did I imply I haven't heard of mass PMing?






Maybe a little :P

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Not that bad. I've seen a contest on another bionicle forum that a guy made OVER FIFTY fake accounts and had them all vote for him.
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I've seen a few things that should have been disqualified end up in voting... but they should have been disqualified for mutliple MOCs/editing/whatever. What you're talking about sounds more like the person actually cheated. Care to enlighten us?


Bribery. I saw someone using bribery and reported it.

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