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Merry Christmas... A Day Late.

Jedi Gali


See, I was planning on posting an entry yesterday but never really got around to it. I suppose it's okay to do it now.


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful day with friends and family and presents and food. I know I did. ^_^ Got some pretty cool gifts, or 'loot', as I have heard said. Lesse, I received clothes, jewelry, candy/food, books (including Brisinger!!! Yayz!), and RotK soundtrack. It may not sound like much but I'm happy with it.


So, I hung out and relaxed, later I played cards with my family (I teamed with IT) but I lost... Eh, oh well. Also, last night we watched Bourne Identity. I actually thought it was a pretty good movie. (I might write a better review later) If I'm not mistaken, we're watching the Bourne Supremacy tonight.


Last but not least, I was writing some on Christmas Eve and got a new chapter of To Be or Not To Be out. Yaaay!


:kaukau: -JG


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Oh sounds like a lot of fun! For me, as long as I got one thing I really wanted/liked, I'm perfectly happy. :P


I just saw the BS a few days ago... it's a good movie!

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Oh sounds like a lot of fun! For me, as long as I got one thing I really wanted/liked, I'm perfectly happy. :P


I just saw the BS a few days ago... it's a good movie!

Yeah, I know what you mean. There's like, that one thing you really want.


Indeed it is. I want to see BU soon...


:kaukau: -JG

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Santa brought you Brisingr tooo!! j/k lol :P


I gots Vorox, Brisingr (Not as good as Eldest, but still good), Final Fantasy IV, a set of Laser Tag guns, and a license plate from British Columbia (I've moved all over, so I collected the license plates whenever we changed states. It kind of grew into an obsession, lol).


Sounds like you had a pretty good Christmas. I've never seen any of the Bourne movies. Everyone keeps tellin' meh to watch 'em though.

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Don't tell me anything about it! I've barely started...


It's hilarious how all of us got it. :D


:kaukau: -JG

Don't worry I won't spoil it.

My friend gave me a HUGE spoiler before I even read it! He just blurted it out, even after I told him not to... It really really ruined the book.

Once you finish reading it I'll tell you.

I got SO mad at him, and so did all my other friends. :P


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