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Lady Kopaka Can Do Dumb Things Too.

Lady Kopaka


Yeah...Um...I did a stupid thing today. :lookaround:


I was washing stuff that didn't fit into the dishwasher after lunch, and while washing, I forgot to do the huge knife last(The kind of knife that chops up a lot of food and whatnot), I threw it in the water, and when pulling it out, it slit my finger. OOhhh it hurt. And boy did it bleed a lot. It was weird. O.o

And so I learnt a valuble lesson on doing the sharpy items last. :P


So now I have a bandaid on, and my finger hurts awfully bad. So I probably wont be doing much drawing or typing until it feels better. I'll be lucky do write decently for school.


And today, we have a lot of school. >> Mom's pushing us awfully hard lately.


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Ouch, I wanna see it... I hate fingers, my right hand was put on this earth for the soul perpouse of getting scarred and cauasing me pain.


Middle finger: Cut on a pointy glass table while spinning around in a chair at my gramas house on christmas eve, presents were hard to open that day...


ring finger/ thumb: Cut while stupidly trying to pull lid off of a dogfood can, got away without stitches, only because we were broke.


thumb (again): Cut while stupidly trying to cut a hole out of a plastic box with a pocket knife, the pocket knife decided to close on my thumb, almost cutting the whole top (front if you want to get technicle) half right off, I got seven stiches, only because the top wasn't ALL the way cut off, I cut lots of nerves, so when I hit the space bar, I get a nasty tingly feeling.


I have done a lot worse, but this is only hand, somhow I sitll haven't brocken a single bone yet. Just goes to show you folks, the utm you all respect, is actually a fumbling cool dude... whatever


I really hope your fingy gets all better, good luck... *goes off to take the "are you a slacker mom?" quiz*



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No kidding? Recently I was using SculpeyIII and cut my pinky really bad on the blade I was using to cut it.

It was almost a week ago and it's still not quite healed.

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Yes, always do the sharpy items last and your days in the land shall be longer than the length of the weiner dog.


The Spork has spoken.


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Man, my Creative Foods teacher would have harassed you mercilessly for that. He always talked about not letting go of knives in sinks for the sake of your fingers. Turns out he's right. Who'da thought? :P

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:( That's gotta hurt. Hope it heals so you can continue typing and drawing and all that good stuff.

I recall that I filled a glass bottle with water and set it in the freezer. I opened the fridge to find that it had shattered and I tried to take it out, but it had already frozen to the freezer floor and I cut myself.

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OUCH! Don't worry LK, we all have stupid moments. I did something similar once, only I was cutting potatoes (we were making home-made fries) and I cut the very, very, very (I think you get the point) tip of my right pinky off. I've got a faint scar there and when it happened, it bled for nearly an hour (I went through 6 paper towels). Hope it heals fast :) .


- :t::l::h:

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Yes, always do the sharpy items last and your days in the land shall be longer than the length of the weiner dog.


The Spork has spoken.


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Once, a really smart guy told me that if you pray to your knife before you wash it, the great Eagle Spirit will pay you a visit.

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