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Basic Television Sucks

Spoony Bard


I am talking about Basic Cable junk.


USA channel is nothing but CSI and Law and Order and House. IT ALL SUCKS. Nothing is different on that channel 24/7.


Comedy Central keeps playing the same darn stand-up guys over and over. The guy with the puppets SUCK. Blue Collar SUCKS. Though the channel makes up with South Park, but I gotta wait until 10ish PM to watch it.


Cartoon Network sucks. Adult Swim sucks. I like Family Guy and Robot Chicken.


Nick needs to change a bit too. I love Spongebob, but honestly it is on all day. VARIETY PLEASE.


MTV. Not much to say here. It sucks for no longer living to its name. Same for VH1.


The only channel I really watch is FX and TBS. They never disappoint. And that should say something.




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I agree, but not for the same reasons. See, I watch TV for one reason only: saturday and sunday morning cartoons. But now, it seems that the big move is for all the cartoons on basic cable to be replaced with pure junk like informercials and stupid teen dramas. This is bad for someone like me, who only has basic cable. I can't watch Batman, I can't watch Clone Wars, and now I can't watch Spiderman. All I really have left is Ninja Turtles and Chaotic, and I usually only watch the latter for the pretty graphics and battles. >_>


Ah well, at least they're putting all the cartoons online now. Still, watching them on a computer screen in a home with four other family members is not nearly as enjoyable as watching it in the family room alone. :(



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Don't come to my country...


All of the local channels, ehh...

They really grosses me out.


I don't even speak the native language at home! Not one single channel is in English.


Good thing we have cable.

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From what I've seen and heard, Television was better when they had programs of people like Bill Evans, John Coltrane, Glenn Miller, and the like.


Though The History Channel can be pretty good. I also like Spongebob.



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I gave up on TV quite some time ago. Really the only things I watch now are Spectacle on Sundance, and the office, but even the Office has really gone down hill. I recommend reading.

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I am pleased with the overwhelming lack of TV love.


As for Mystery Science, they blew 1.5 seconds after Joel left.


LUCKILY, Joel, the Dr. and Frank all got together again to do live shows called like "Cinema Titanica" or something. I have'em... just haven't gotten around to watching them yet.


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As for Mystery Science, they blew 1.5 seconds after Joel left.

The first season or two after Joel left weren't too good--I guess Mike just wasn't comfortable in front of the camera yet, or just hadn't gotten a handle on his character yet, or what, but it was very sub-par at first.


However, it ended up getting much, much better. Once he got more comfortable or whatever, Mike ended being just as good a host as Joel, I think, if not better--his style was different than Joel's (more snarky and adult rather than childlike and innocent), but equally funny. Some of my favourite episodes are Mike ones--The Final Sacrifice, Space Mutiny, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, Invasion of the Neptune Men...


Go grab the sci-fi era seasons from your webnet crawler pirate thingies; you might end up being very pleasantly surprised. ^_^

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