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2008's Top 10 Aspects Of [0.o]



#10. Frequent entry republishing.

Making it look as though no matter how many people update their blogs, I always updated mine last.

#9. Lack of substance.

That's what the other blogs are for.

#8. The Tuesday Five.

Five questions (at least one of which usually being a cop-out), third day of the week. Makes no sense, but you know you want to answer them.

#7. Perhaps the most obnoxiously long list of blog approvals ever to grace your monitor.

Do people actually like my blog, or do they just like seeing me put up their images?

#6. Faliure to update.

To follow the logic of Shakespeare, scarcity is the soul of entertainment.

#5. Entirely lowercase blog descriptions.

It somehow makes it better.

#4. Television commentary.

See #9.

#3. You guys and all the other awesome personalities that frequent my blog!

This would have been #1, but there are definitely two things that are better than it.

#2. Girls.

Sunny and I are not married, contrary to popular opinion. Did I mention I like Green Tee?

#1. The Fruit War.

Until it became an RPG and got out of hand, it was easily the most enjoyable war ever.


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#1. The Fruit War.


Until it became an RPG and got out of hand, it was easily the most enjoyable war ever.

Your opinion is wrong. :)
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#2. Girls.


Sunny and I are not married, contrary to popular opinion. Did I mention I like Green Tee?




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#1. The Fruit War.


Until it became an RPG and got out of hand, it was easily the most enjoyable war ever.

Your opinion is wrong. :)

Opinions can't be wrong Shine.


Oh wait, sorry –– I forgot Dokuma's can be.

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#1. The Fruit War.


Until it became an RPG and got out of hand, it was easily the most enjoyable war ever.

Your opinion is wrong. :)






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#1. The Fruit War.


Until it became an RPG and got out of hand, it was easily the most enjoyable war ever.

Your opinion is wrong. :)


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#1. The Fruit War.


Until it became an RPG and got out of hand, it was easily the most enjoyable war ever.

Your opinion is wrong. :)

I see where you're coming from, dude, but look at it this way... which war was most enjoyable? The Civil War? The Revolutionary War? The French Revolution? The War of 1812? Or the Fruit War? :sly:



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The teusday 5 is a jip and a clear ploy for comments not that thats a bad thing though.

Welcome to my blog, newcomer. The first this you will learn here is that... everything... is a ploy for comments. :P

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The teusday 5 is a jip and a clear ploy for comments not that thats a bad thing though.

Welcome to my blog, newcomer. The first this you will learn here is that... everything... is a ploy for comments. :P

For some reason this gave me the urge to comment.


Drat, it's working!

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