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A New Year

Lady Kopaka


A lot has been going on in my life, especially during the year 2008. Even before then there was stuff that happened in such a short amount of time. I don’t want to start a pity party or compete with people, but I’ll be blunt and honest for once: I have gone through more than the normal kid has to deal with in their entire life. And it’s a lot to handle, and even harder now as a teenager trying to find your place in the world. You sometimes wish the world would just pause for you and let you calm down, just for five minutes.


It forces you to open your eyes to things more; your whole perspective on reality is a dissimilar dimension than others. You struggle to stay sane; you trod through so much hopelessness. And even though you have some good moments time to time, it always seems there is something to be frustrated or saddened by.


Lately, once and awhile I would watch others with envious eyes, or with lack of tolerance because of the trifle things they would complain about. Oh they thought that was bad, just wait until this happened. It is a cruel thing to think about, no matter the problem or situation. I sympathize with many—whether their problem may seem small or big. People take things differently, either it be loosing a best friend or simply not getting something you wished for. I believe there is no such way to rate how bad is something, or how it can become, you can only vaguely determine how a person takes it.


This brings me to the point of this strange entry. I’ve always wanted to discuss this, but wasn’t really sure it was worth it.


But telling someone you care, or you understand, or simply giving them another chance is far worth it. I’m not really discussing on giving more consideration for specific people, but the term in general. I don’t know what truly goes on in anyone’s lives, so please don’t take this the wrong way.


There are so many things you guys can be thankful for that many people I know could never imagine having or simply dreaming of. All those Bionicle sets? I’m sure a lot of people on BZP don’t think how lucky they are to be blessed with that. A nice family? Sure, you have your fights, but families are a sanctuary, a hope, and a blessing. Do not take them for granted.


Think twice before whining about something. I know I said everyone handles issues differently, but sometimes just think before doing or saying something. I was once ungrateful for the status of a friendship I had, and then I lost it all. You can never be prepared for when things like that happen; ignorance is truly bliss.


Love and live like there is no tomorrow. Selflessly assist and respect others, because that snob at your school or on BZP may be living in the pit, and they just need some compassion to be set free. Before whining about what you got for Christmas, think about all the homeless children, or maybe just the kid across the street. Think about it.


Do not try to fool yourself that you have a good or bad life, think shrewdly about it, or your egoism could snag others more than you will realize. Don’t say you’re life is horrible when it really isn’t: you are a person that feeds off the attention and your true problem is believing you need more people to tell you that they love you. Don’t lie and tell people you’re just fine when everything thing is falling apart—everyone needs help. Get it off your chest, cry on a friends shoulder. Friends are there for a reason.


I wish I could say I’m not trying to guilt anyone, but I am. People need to get it in their heads that the world can be a terrible place for some people and you’re not the center of the world. It’s true that also sometimes you can’t do anything to help a problem… I always hated it when a parent nagged me about finishing some food left on my plate, because you can’t exactly give those leftovers to hungry children right then. But you need to understand that equation in heart, you really need to be aware of that without fogged eyes. And if you can do something against a problem, do it.


This also goes out to the ones who do justly struggle and have no peace while they try to sleep during the cold, lonely nights. I admit I’m not and probably will never be a true optimist, but that doesn’t stop me from looking forward to a brighter future for myself and others. There will be always be a light and there will always be people out there that love you and will support you even if you don’t know it. Trust me on this one.


I’ve learned the best way to help yourself is to help others first. Regardless of position, belief, or problems, this is always a sure way to aid. For 2009, I hope everyone will consider one of their resolutions for the year to become more considerate to others, wiser about your own troubles, thankful for what you have, and stronger against the tides of life.


My problems have somewhat been a blessing; that I may be able to fight against the naivety and to encourage, caution, and help others. I’ve grown stronger, and little by little, just a bit wiser than yesterday. Everyone will always experience some troubles in our revered lives, but to the ones who have not truly bumped into anything yet—be thankful, be thankful and pleased as if you did experience misery.


I cannot promise your problems will be solved now or later, and I pray for the ones who will meet unwanted troubles the bravery to fight it. But know as long as you keep your head up, your willpower stubborn and a friend at your side, you can make it through anything.


I hope that I did not confuse or make any matters worse, and I could had easily dragged this on much longer, but for some reason something encouraged me to say a few words on the subject and I hope this encouraged you as well. So God bless, and I wish everyone a wonderful upcoming New Year.


Fully alive

More than most

Ready to smile and love life

Fully alive and she knows

How to believe in futures


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I'm glad that someone decided to get in and jam this into people's heads. Props for taking the time to type this out, m'lady. :)


I'd also like to reiterated one point that was made in this entry: don't take anything for granted. For as long as I can remember, I was friends with a girl from my church; like, I don't even remember the details of our meeting. As we got into our teenager years, I was hoping to take the relationship at least a little further (and, as I later learned, so was she). Regardless, attempting to be the manly man I am *cough* I was determined to make the first move (that and I got the feeling she was waiting for me to). Well, having no previous experience, it wasn't easy. And every Sunday when I failed, I kept saying, "Well, there's always next week." But, after a bit, a series of rather intense issues came up involving a good portion of the church and, one day, she left. She didn't want to leave, but she had no choice. I haven't seen her since, and it's been several years, and not a day goes by when I don't regret gathering up my courage to act sooner.


Same thing with my epic, Demon's Tears. I always kept saying "There's always tomorrow" when I had trouble writing, and then came college. I suppose I was still partially in my high school mentality, because I had no idea I would be so incredibly busy; despite how much I wanted to write, there was almost no hope that DT could make any progress.


So yeah, thanks for taking the time to say these things, LK. :)

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Reading this gave me a weird pain/bubbling in my chestal section. (that's lungs, stomache, and liver)


I see I have a plethora of things to ponder, on top of all that being the choice of whether or not to use overly-complicated words. But all silliness aside, I do have some things to change about my life, particularly the habit of running and hiding from my people-problems, and waiting for them to get better.

...ignorance is truly bliss.


Love and live while you can.

Two things I have forgotten. I know it's a little late for me to start making resolutions, but I think the one that I'll love by is to forget the darkness that preys on my mind. seriously, It's time for me to be serious with my life. This has been coming on for a while, but it took a big something to bring it fully to light. So thank you for helping me see, Lady.



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