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Sets Galor (and Updates)



I am extremely giddy for reasons I can't explain. Because I don't want to spoil any surprises for future entries...


Anyway, I went to the bookstore today. I got my dad a book for Christmas; a sci-fi book. He's very particular about them; they have to be hard sci fi (no fantasy nonsense) and not written by women (for some reason. I guess it comes from experience that females don't write the best sci fi). And it shouldn't be part of a series... in general.


I found an awesome book that met all his expectations. (Cusp. The cover has these giant volcano like things shooting out of the earth, and the back says that bands of these erupted out of the earth at some point and destroyed much of civilization, and what's left is trying to get by. I think most sci fi books like to destroy the world first).


When he opened it, he disappeared into his room and came out with the copy he already owned. :annoyed2: So today I returned it and got another book for him. Although I researched it first and got his approval for it. Man, he is haaaard to shop for... at least in books. (Get him a new saw of power drill and he'll be all over it like me with a Lego set)


Anyway, I stopped by Target to see if they had any more 09. The Lego shelves looked ransacked... like the Mongols had just run through and took everything but the most expensive sets. I saw a Kopaka and a couple of Megablock things, but no Glatoran. :(


Then I went to Fred Meyers... and got a deal. So, quick question. When 2 sets (Bionicle) do you think I purchased for only $18? I'd do a review of them right now... but I'm not feelin' like writing one and I haven't taken pictures yet.


Oh, and I'll leave the prelim polls opened for another day. I suspect to change my name after the new years... probably Saturday. I will be leaving for school on Sunday, so I doubt I'll have any time by then. So if you haven't voted yet... get to it. :)




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What two sets?



Since you're Glatorian hunting...


And you said "Only"


A Glatorian and An Agori.

Or a Glatorian and an Av-toran.




And that's about as far as I can guess. :P


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Actually, it was Antroz and Chirox, each for $5 off. Since their prices were closer to that of Toa Mata or Bohrok or... Avi Matoran... I considered it a deal. :sly:



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