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So. The Final Hoorah.



Overall, it's been a pretty sucky year on a personal level. I have never felt so miserable and alone than I have this year. And I'm purposely wallowing in my own misery. Also, I haven't performed as well as I have usually, at school and on here. Not that the standards for either are very high.

One thing that's helped me this year is music. More than ever this year I have been fascinated with music, and my collection has grown immensely over the year, and my appreciation of good ol' punk bands of old. My distate for modern music also has increased tenfold.

Another thing that has helped me is vector art. It's good to finally be good at some form of art, not brilliant, but at least good. I've achieved a bit in that field, at the moment working through making all the Kanohi up to the end of 08. Only 8 masks left, so you know.

Course, I got Titan Olympics done, finally, at the end of August, as well as making Matoran Spheres and my Trust in Turaga Dume MOC. I've gained the levels of 3000 posts and 4000 posts in the same year, and I've begun Kardiak Arrest. Also, behind the scenes I've been working on Kanohi Journal, doing more or less the same thing that I do every Friday in my blog. Sadly, the progress of my two epics and my comics have been incredibly slow, and I'm sure people are sick of me for not getting things done. I don't blame them, I'm sick of me too.

Onto the year of BIONICLE itself, gee, wasn't it awesome? The story and promotional media in particular. A number of the sets were really good too, with the additions of the large vehicles and all that. As I've mentioned a couple of times, Takanuva is the best set of the year, followed by Mazeka. I always have more respect for Titans than other sets. And we sure learnt alot this year, and Reign of Shadow is set to be awesome. Can't wait for the final update to Brothers in Arms. The serials have been great, although I'll say the first wave of serials have been better than the second.

I think I've covered enough, I need to get off the compy anyway, sister wants on. Here's to 2009 not sucking so much! *holds up champagne glass. which is empty. must fix that.*


The Twenty-Nineth Magazine I got features the LEGO themes Dino Attack, Harry Potter, Knights Kingdom, Designer Sets, Technic, Star Wars and BIONICLE. It is December 2005.

Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

N.B. This is actually a pretty good magazine, with two interesting interviews. Check 'em!

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