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I'm Missing The Key Ingredient



I have the premise for a comedy.


I have the characters.


I have the setting.


Now all I need is a plot.




EDIT: Thanks Robo, I've got me plotzorz now. Entry locked. =D


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The conflict at its core should be Man or Woman vs. Cyborg. Here are the dramatic situations associated with this conflict.


Threat of cyborgs from the future.

Threat of present-day cyborgs.

Return of Civil War-era cyborgs that are powered by steam.

Cyborg fights the man within.

Man seeks control of his own cybernetic brain.

Only the hero can see the cyborgs who secretly run our government and media.

Family pet discovered to be cyborg.

Young, handsome cyborg Army officer kills own family, blames hippies.

Man creates cyborg who wishes to be a real boy.

Cyborg servants turn on master.

Cyborgs seek fortune on Broadway, settle for bartending gig, and learn much about human life.

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Give us some details about characters.


# of protagonists/antagonists, one word to describe their behavior for each.


Then we can make a plot.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Protagonists: Vahki with personality.

B421- The “normal” one of the group. Normal for Vahki that is. He’s all business, and all for order. Leader of Squad 11


K610- Has a twisted, almost sadistic sense of humor. Cares more for his own entertainment that anything else. Is willing to hit Matoran with his staff just to watch them stumble around, confused.


Z002- Former Special Ops Vahki, was shifted to Squad 11 after falling a great distance and damaging his logic and reasoning circuits. Acts in a melodramatic fashion, believes that he is a super-spy.


V111- Two words: Neat Freak.


N824- Existential and philosophical, he constantly questions the Vahki’s purpose and whether or not they’re doing the right thing.


R979- Lazy. Couldn’t care less about getting anything done. Is something of a whiner when made to go on a mission.



Antagonists: No solid antagonists, as that is part of the missing plotz.

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